首页> 外文期刊>Building and Environment >The Life Cycle Costs Of Indoor Climate Systems In Dwellings And Offices Taking Into Account System Choice, Airflow Rate, Health And Productivity

The Life Cycle Costs Of Indoor Climate Systems In Dwellings And Offices Taking Into Account System Choice, Airflow Rate, Health And Productivity


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The life cycle cost (LCC) of the heating, cooling and ventilation system was simulated for a typical cell office building, multi-family dwelling and detached house. Different ventilations systems were simulated resulting in different heating and cooling system designs. A health-related cost dependent on the airflow rate which was based on recent studies was added to the LCC for the dwellings as well as a productivity cost for the office building. An optimal airflow rate can be found depending on the assumed size of the health or productivity-related cost. The results for the office building indicate that a much higher outdoor supply airflow rate at presence, as well as a cooling system, is appropriate from a LCC perspective even if the influence on the human being still should be taken with precaution. With that higher airflow rate, the results show that there is a clear benefit with variable airflow rate ventilation systems. For dwellings, there is also a clear benefit from higher airflow rates even if the optimal airflow rate in the presented examples was not much higher than common requirements. Furthermore, it is not well known or defined how to valuate that possible influence. Despite this, this study is the demonstration of a method which can be used to optimize airflow rates in buildings if the influence and costs on human health related to the airflow rate is known.
机译:针对典型的牢房办公楼,多户住宅和独立式住宅,模拟了供暖,制冷和通风系统的生命周期成本(LCC)。模拟了不同的通风系统,导致了不同的加热和冷却系统设计。 LCC为住宅增加了取决于空气流速的与健康相关的成本,该成本基于最近的研究,并为办公楼增加了生产成本。可以根据健康状况或生产率相关成本的假定大小来找到最佳气流速率。办公楼的结果表明,从LCC角度来看,存在的情况下,存在较高的室外送风量以及冷却系统是合适的,即使仍应谨慎对待对人的影响。随着较高的空气流量,结果表明,可变空气流量的通风系统具有明显的好处。对于住宅,即使所提供示例中的最佳空气流速不比一般要求高很多,也可以从较高的空气流速中获得明显的好处。此外,如何评估这种可能的影响尚不为人所知或定义。尽管如此,如果已知与气流速率有关的对人体健康的影响和成本,则本研究证明了一种可用于优化建筑物气流速率的方法。



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