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机译:凯恩建筑私人有限公司v SOPOV(NO 2)

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The reasons for judgment in this matter having been delivered on 30 June 2005, the parties were asked to provide minutes of proposed orders. The parties were unable to agree on orders and additional hearings were convened to determine the appropriate orders to be made. The plaintiff sought an order for judgment in its favour of $3,078,482 excluding GST, while the defendants submitted that the order ought be judgment in the plaintiff's favour for only $130,958.86. The plaintiff's orders were based on a claim for $4,746,911.83 (of which $2,769,350 had already been paid by the defendants) on a quantum meruit, which included a 10% margin for profit and overheads. The only deductions that the plaintiff submitted should be allowed from this amount were $70,065 in respect of defective works, $220,000 for liquidated damages, and $81,284 in respect of deduction variations (for failure to provide certain items that formed part of the original scope of the works). The plaintiff also claimed that it was entitled to an indemnity (or payment by the defendants) for any amount it was liable to pay in GST on amounts recovered in these proceedings. The plaintiff also submitted that interest should be calculated at a rate of 8% (as agreed by the parties) compounded at six month intervals (which amounted to $992,914). With respect to the deduction variations, the plaintiff had included an express reservation in its Scott Schedule submissions in which it submitted that deduction variations should not be allowed in the event that it succeeded on a quantum meruit. The plaintiff argued that it would be unfair to include in the deduction from the quantum meruit claim, items that were never included in the cost of the work.
机译:于2005年6月30日提交了对此案作出判断的理由,请当事方提供拟议命令的会议记录。双方无法就命令达成一致,并举行了进一步的听证会以确定适当的命令。原告要求法院作出判决,要求其判以3,078,482美元的赔偿(不包括商品及服务税),而被告认为,该判决应仅对原告有利,为130,958.86美元。原告的命令基于一项量子价值的索赔,金额为4,746,911.83美元(其中2,769,350美元已由被告支付),其中包括10%的利润和间接费用保证金。仅允许从该金额中扣除的费用包括:缺陷产品$ 70,065,违约赔偿金$ 220,000和扣除变型$ 81,284(因为未提供某些属于工程原始范围的物品) )。原告还声称,对于这些诉讼中追回的款项,其有权在商品及服务税中支付的任何金额,都有权获得赔偿(或由被告付款)。原告还提出,利息应按8%的利率(经双方同意)计算,每六个月复利一次(总计992,914美元)。关于扣减额的变化,原告在斯科特附表中明确表示了保留,在该表述中,原告认为,如果在量子功绩上获胜,则不允许扣减额。原告辩称,将未曾计入工作成本的项目包括在量子价值主张的扣除额中是不公平的。



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