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WB, Trib Alliance Is Smart Business


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When The WB began in 1995, it was the brainchild of Jamie Kellner. One of the Fox network's original architects and one of Hollywood's shrewdest strategists, Kellner has the knack for discovering an unserved audience niche and making millions by programming to it. But when Kellner hatched the killer ap called The WB, first he had to play matchmaker. Tribune had a powerful group of stations―particularly WGN Chicago, WPK New York and KTLA Los Angeles―and they were all operating as independents in an age when independent TV stations were rapidly disappearing. Meanwhile, Warner Bros, had a prolific and lucrative television studio but no station group to call its own. Voila! A marriage was born.
机译:当WB于1995年开始运作时,这是Jamie Kellner的创意。 Kellner是Fox网络的原始架构师之一,也是好莱坞最精明的战略家之一,他的诀窍是发现一个无用的受众群体,并通过编程来赚取数百万美元。但是,当凯尔纳(Kellner)孵化出名为WB的杀手后,他首先必须扮演媒人。 Tribune拥有强大的电视台群,尤其是WGN芝加哥,WPK纽约和KTLA洛杉矶,在独立电视台迅速消失的时代,它们都作为独立电视台运营。同时,华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)拥有一家利润丰厚的电视演播室,但没有电视台可以自称。瞧!婚姻诞生了。



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