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Chaos in This Anchor's Ear Rarely Winds Up on the Air


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Rece davis grew up in Guin (GYOO-in), a town of 2,000 people in northwestern Alabama, surrounded by football. The first three football seasons he remembers as a kid, the local high school won back-to-back-to-back state titles. It was like something out of a Friday Night Lights episode, he says. Football "was part of the culture. I fell in love with that." Fascinated by the sport and the people who called the games, Davis would spend his Saturday nights spinning the radio dial, listening to every college football game he could find. At the time, he thought he would end up as a broadcaster, but only after "a long and distinguished career" playing football; alas, "my talent ran out after high school," he says.
机译:雷斯·戴维斯(Rece davis)在阿拉巴马州西北部的一个有2,000人的小镇Guin(GYOO-in)长大,周围是足球。他记得小时候的前三个足球赛季,当地的中学赢得了背靠背的州冠军。他说,这就像是《星期五之夜》中的一集。足球“是文化的一部分。我爱上了它。”戴维斯(Davis)对这项运动和参加奥运会的人们着迷,他将在星期六的夜晚度过收音机的转盘,聆听他能找到的每场大学橄榄球比赛。当时,他以为自己最终会成为广播员,只是在“漫长而杰出的职业”踢足球之后; las,他说:“高中毕业后,我的才华耗尽了。”



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