首页> 外文期刊>British Medical Journal >Follow up of people fitted with hearing aids after adult hearing screening: the need for support after fitting

Follow up of people fitted with hearing aids after adult hearing screening: the need for support after fitting


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In the British population only 20-25% of people who report hearing difficulties possess a hearing aid. We have proposed that adult hearing screening would increase the use of hearing aids. In three studies conducted in Wales between 1982 and 1992 all people aged 50-65 in four general practices were sent a screening questionnaire on hearing difficulties. Those who reported hearing problems were tested audio-metrically and were offered a hearing aid if the average hearing level in their worse ear was worse than 30 dB. Two of these studies showed that this intervention increased by threefold the possession of hearing aids in the target populations. Screening was thus effective in the short term; in this study we examined whether the people fitted with aids in the earlier studies continued to use mem long term.
机译:在英国人口中,只有20-25%的报告有听力障碍的人拥有助听器。我们建议成人听力筛查将增加助听器的使用。在1982年至1992年间在威尔士进行的三项研究中,向所有40岁至50岁至65岁的普通实践人群发送了关于听力障碍的筛查问卷。那些报告有听力问题的人都经过了音频测试,并且如果他们较糟的耳朵中的平均听力水平低于30 dB,可以为他们提供助听器。其中两项研究表明,在目标人群中,这种干预使助听器的拥有量增加了三倍。因此,筛查在短期内是有效的。在这项研究中,我们检查了早期研究中配备辅助工具的人是否长期继续使用记忆。



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