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Rethinking turbulence in blood


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Blood flow, normally laminar, can exhibit high frequency fluctuations suggesting turbulence, which has important implications for the pathophysiology of vascular diseases and the design of blood-bearing devices. According to the classical model of turbulence in a homogeneous fluid, these fluctuations can be attributed to the cascade of eddies down to the Kol-mogorov length scale, which, for apparent turbulence in blood, is reported to be on the order of tens of microns. On the other hand, blood is a suspension of mostly red blood cells (RBC), the size and concentration of which would seem to preclude the formation of eddies down to these scales. Assuming dissipation occurs instead via cell-cell interactions mediated by the plasma, here we show how turbulent velocity fluctuations, normally ascribed to turbulent (Reynolds) stresses, could give rise to viscous shear stresses. This may help to resolve fundamental inconsistencies in the understanding of mechanical hemolysis, and it provides a physical basis for the forces actually experienced by formed elements in the blood under nominally turbulent flow. In summary, RBC must be acknowledged as equal players if a satisfactory definition of turbulence in blood is to be achieved.
机译:通常为层流的血流可表现出高频率波动,表明存在湍流,这对血管疾病的病理生理学和含血装置的设计具有重要意义。根据均匀流体中湍流的经典模型,这些波动可归因于涡旋级联直至Kol-mogorov长度尺度,据报道,对于血液中的明显湍流,该尺度约为数十微米。 。另一方面,血液是主要由红血球(RBC)组成的悬浮液,其大小和浓度似乎阻止了低至这些规模的涡流的形成。假设耗散是通过等离子体介导的细胞间相互作用而发生的,这里我们展示了通常归因于湍流(雷诺)应力的湍流速度波动如何引起粘性剪切应力。这可能有助于解决对机械溶血的理解中的根本矛盾,并且为名义上湍流下血液中形成元素实际承受的力提供了物理基础。总之,如果要获得令人满意的血液湍流定义,必须承认RBC是平等参与者。



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