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Time to Reboot: New Software Standard to Replace SW68


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Software's unbridled growth as an integral part of medical device technology shows no signs of slowing down, and a new AAMI standard will play an important role in helping the next generation of software-dependent medical devices reach new heights in patient treatment and safety.nnThe new American National Standard ANSI/AAMI/IEC 62304:2006, Medical device software—Software life cycle processes updates the 2001 AAMI/American National Standard of the same name (previously designated SW68). The new standard is an identical adoption of a new International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard that was largely based on the AAMI SW68 standard. The path may seem a bit circular, but the end result—international harmonization that provides manufacturers with a single set of guidelines for stand-alone medical device software as well as software that is an embedded or integral part of a medical device—is an important achievement.nn“While the development of 62304 began using the AAMI SW68 standard as its starting point, several significant changes and additions are important to note,” said Alan Kusinitz of SoftwareCPR in Winchester, MA. “The first significant difference to be aware of is that, while SW68 established minimum life cycle requirements for software of minor and moderate concern, 62304 also addresses minimum requirements for software of major levels of concern.”nnThe second important difference, according to Kusinitz, who is a member of the AAMI Medical Device Software Committee and a faculty member for AAMI programs including Software Validation Requirements and Industry Practice, is that “62304 requires identification of the risk of each software component into one of three levels defined in the standard, and defines different minimum life cycle requirements for each component based on risk level.”nnThe three software safety classes identified in 62304 are based on the possible effects on the patient, operator, or other people resulting from a hazard to which the software system can contribute. Manufacturers are required to assign a software safety class to each software system.nnClass A: No injury or damage to health is possiblennClass B: Non-serious injury is possiblennClass C: Death or serious injury is possible
机译:作为医疗设备技术不可或缺的一部分,软件的迅猛增长没有丝毫放缓的迹象,新的AAMI标准将在帮助下一代依赖软件的医疗设备在患者治疗和安全性方面达到新高度方面发挥重要作用。美国国家标准ANSI / AAMI / IEC 62304:2006,医疗设备软件-软件生命周期过程更新了同名的2001 AAMI /美国国家标准(以前称为SW68)。新标准是在很大程度上基于AAMI SW68标准的新国际电工委员会(IEC)标准的相同采用。这条道路似乎有些循环,但最终结果(国际协调一致为制造商提供了一套独立的医疗设备软件以及作为医疗设备嵌入式或组成部分的软件的准则)非常重要。 “在62304的开发开始以AAMI SW68标准为起点的同时,值得注意的是一些重要的变化和增加,”位于马萨诸塞州温彻斯特的SoftwareCPR的Alan Kusinitz说。 “要意识到的第一个重要差异是,尽管SW68确立了对中小问题软件的最低生命周期要求,但62304还解决了对主要关注水平软件的最低要求。” nn第二个重要差异,据库西尼茨说,是AAMI医疗设备软件委员会的成员,并且是AAMI计划(包括软件验证要求和行业实践)的教职人员,他是“ 62304要求将每个软件组件的风险识别为标准中定义的三个级别之一,并且nn根据风险级别为每个组件定义不同的最小生命周期要求。” nn 62304中确定的三个软件安全类别基于软件系统可能造​​成的危害对患者,操作员或其他人员的可能影响。要求制造商为每个软件系统分配软件安全等级nnClass A:不可能造成伤害或损害健康nnClass B:可能造成严重伤害nnClass C:可能导致死亡或严重伤害



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