首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering >Noninvasive Control of the Power Transferred to an Implanted Device by an Ultrasonic Transcutaneous Energy Transfer Link

Noninvasive Control of the Power Transferred to an Implanted Device by an Ultrasonic Transcutaneous Energy Transfer Link


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Ultrasonic transcutaneous energy transfer is an effective method for powering implanted devices noninvasively. Nevertheless, the amount of power harvested by the implanted receiver is sensitive to the distance and orientation of the external transmitting transducer attached to the skin with respect to the implanted receiving transducer. This paper describes an ultrasonic power transfer link whose harvested power is controlled by an inductive link. A small (5 μF) storage capacitor voltage, which is part of the implanted unit, is allowed to swing between 3.8 and 3.5 V using hysteretic control. The two control states are indicated by excitation (while the implanted storage capacitor voltage decreases) or the absence of excitation of an implanted coil that is magnetically coupled to an external coil attached to the skin surface. A 35 mW Ultrasonic Transcutaneous Energy Transfer link was fabricated using two piezoelectric transducers of equal size (Fuji Ceramics C-2 PZT disc 15 mm × 3 mm) operated at a vibration frequency of 720 kHz. By applying the proposed hysteretic control, the captured power was effectively regulated for implantation depths of up to 85 mm.
机译:超声经皮能量转移是一种无创地为植入设备供电的有效方法。然而,由植入的接收器收集的功率的量对于附接到皮肤的外部发射换能器相对于植入的接收换能器的距离和方向是敏感的。本文介绍了一种超声功率传输链路,其收获功率由感应链路控制。作为滞留单元的一部分的小(5 F)的存储电容器电压可以通过迟滞控制在3.8至3.5 V之间摆动。这两个控制状态由励磁(在植入的存储电容器电压降低时)或没有励磁的励磁线圈指示,该励磁线圈电磁耦合到附着在皮肤表面的外部线圈。使用两个相同尺寸的压电换能器(Fuji Ceramics C-2 PZT圆盘15 mm×3 mm)以720 kHz的振动频率制作了35 mW的超声经皮能量传输链。通过应用建议的磁滞控制,可以有效地调节捕获功率,最大植入深度为85 mm。



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