首页> 外文期刊>Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology >A phenomenological mixture model for biosynthesis and linking of cartilage extracellular matrix in scaffolds seeded with chondrocytes

A phenomenological mixture model for biosynthesis and linking of cartilage extracellular matrix in scaffolds seeded with chondrocytes


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A phenomenological mixture model is presented for interactions between biosynthesis of extracellular matrix (ECM) constituents and ECM linking in a scaffold seeded with chondrocytes. A system of three ordinary differential equations for average apparent densities of unlinked ECM, linked ECM and scaffold is developed along with associated initial conditions for scaffold material properties. Equations for unlinked ECM synthesis and ECM linking include an inhibitory mechanism where associated rates decrease as unlinked ECM concentration in the interstitial fluid increases. Linking rates are proposed to depend on average porosity in the evolving tissue construct. The resulting initial value problem contains nine independent parameters that account for scaffold biomaterial properties and interacting mechanisms in the engineered system. Effects of parameter variations on model variables are analyzed relative to a baseline case with emphasis on the evolution of solid phase apparent density, which is often correlated with the compressive elastic modulus of the tissue construct. The new model provides an additional quantitative framework for assessing and optimizing the design of engineered cell-scaffold systems and guiding strategies for articular cartilage tissue engineering.



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