首页> 外文期刊>Biology Bulletin >Forage Resources, Nutrition, and Food Supply of Free-Grazing Camels (Camelus bactrianus) in a Pasture within the Natural Steppe Zone

Forage Resources, Nutrition, and Food Supply of Free-Grazing Camels (Camelus bactrianus) in a Pasture within the Natural Steppe Zone


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This paper reports the results of investigation on the food of free-grazing Bactrian camels in a forb-grass steppe pasture, including anthropogenically disturbed areas with dominance of ruderal annuals. We identified the composition of consumed plants using a microhistological analysis of the feces; the digestibility coefficient based on inert (indigestible) silicon contained both in the diet and feces; the quantity of the forage consumed based on the mass of the feces and the digestibility coefficient; and the energy balance based on interrelations between the actual consumption and the existing requirement norms of camels and wild ungulates in energy. In spring, camels mainly consume graminoids (Stipa sp. and Festuca valesiaca), switching to forbs, largely ruderal annuals, in summer and autumn. The forage digestibility is low in spring (56%), increasing to 69-70% in summer and autumn. Low daily consumption rates of dry forage mass in winter and spring (8-9 kg) are changed to high in summer and autumn (20-26 kg), this reflecting the animals' winter hypophagy. The amount of energy received during the warm season (1.2-1.8 MJ/kg W-0.75) considerably exceeds the requirements, thus explaining the ability of camels to accumulate a safety store of fat in the humps.
机译:本文报道了在草牧场草原上放牧双峰驼食物的调查结果,其中包括人为扰乱地区,以鱼一年生植物为主。我们使用粪便的显微组织学分析鉴定了食用植物的成分。日粮和粪便中所含惰性硅(难消化)的消化率;根据粪便的质量和消化率计算的草料消耗量;能量平衡是基于骆驼和野生有蹄类动物的实际消费量与现有需求规范之间的相互关系。在春季,骆驼主要消费类固醇(Stipa sp。和Festuca valesiaca),而在夏季和秋季,它们转而使用福布斯(主要是一年生的)。春季的草料消化率低(56%),夏季和秋季增加到69-70%。冬季和春季(8-9千克)的干饲草料日摄入量较低,而夏季和秋季(20-26千克)的日摄入量变高,这反映了动物的冬季嗜睡。在温暖的季节(1.2-1.8 MJ / kg W-0.75)接收的能量大大超出了要求,因此可以解释骆驼在驼峰中积聚脂肪的安全能力。



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