首页> 外文期刊>Biology Bulletin >Social Relationships between Males and Females in the Rock Lizard (Darevskia brauneri, Lacertidae): 1. Friendly Monogyny in Males and Polyandry in Females

Social Relationships between Males and Females in the Rock Lizard (Darevskia brauneri, Lacertidae): 1. Friendly Monogyny in Males and Polyandry in Females

机译:岩石蜥蜴(Darevskia brauneri,Lacertidae)中的男性和女性之间的社会关系:1.男性中友好的单性恋和女性中的一妻多夫制

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A natural settlement of Brauner's rock lizards was observed on the Navagir Ridge (Krasnodar region) in the years 1997-2006. In various years, the settlement included from 18 to 28 adult individuals. Analysis of the frequency of affiliative behavior in the course of intersexual contacts and the frequency of males' attendance of female's comfort zones revealed three types of intersexual dyad relationships: (1) friendly, or A-relations (maximal values of both indices; maximal duration of interrelation; and the only reason for the termination of interrelations is death of one of the partners); (2) R-relations (minimal values of all the indices and the main reason for the termination of interrelations is female resettlement); and (3) N-relations (intermediate values of indices and the main reason for the termination of interrelations is transition to another type). Both males and females could simultaneously have several R-and N-interrelations. In males, the A-relations towards only a single female was always observed. In females, the A-relations could form simultaneously with two males. Approximately one-third of the friendly connected groups were polyandrous triads (female and two males); the rest were monogamous (male and female). Apparently, in this species there is a general tendency towards social polyandry, which is restrained by certain social and/or environmental factors.
机译:在1997年至2006年期间,在纳瓦吉尔岭(克拉斯诺达尔地区)观察到了布劳纳岩石蜥蜴的自然栖息地。在不同的年份中,定居点包括18至28个成年个体。分析两性接触过程中的亲属行为频率和男性出席女性舒适区的频率,发现三种类型的两性恋关系:(1)友好或A亲属关系(两个指数的最大值;最大持续时间)相互关系;终止相互关系的唯一原因是合伙人之一死亡。 (2)R关系(所有指标的最小值,而终止相互关系的主要原因是女性移民); (3)N关系(索引的中间值和终止关系的主要原因是过渡到另一种类型)。男性和女性都可能同时具有多个R和N关联。在雄性中,总是观察到仅对一个雌性的A-关系。在雌性中,A亲缘关系可以与两个雄性同时形成。友好的联系群体中约有三分之一是一夫多妻制的三合会(女性和两个男性)。其余为一夫一妻制(男性和女性)。显然,在该物种中,普遍存在社会一妻多夫的趋势,这受到某些社会和/或环境因素的限制。



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