首页> 外文期刊>Biological Trace Element Research >Biokinetics and In Vivo Distribution Behaviours of Silica-Coated Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots

Biokinetics and In Vivo Distribution Behaviours of Silica-Coated Cadmium Selenide Quantum Dots


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Recently, quantum dots derived from trace elements like cadmium and selenium have attracted widespread interest in biology and medicine. They are rapidly being used as novel tools for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. In this report, we evaluated the distribution of silica-coated cadmium selenide (CdSe) quantum dots (QDs) following intravenous injection into male Swiss albino mice as a model system for determining tissue localization using in vivo fluorescence and ex vivo elemental analysis by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Trioctylphosphine oxide-capped CdSe quantum dots were synthesized and rendered water soluble by overcoating with silica, using aminopropyl silane (APS) as silica precursor. ICP-OES was used to measure the cadmium content to indicate the concentration of QDs in blood, organs and excretion samples collected at predetermined time intervals. Meanwhile, the distribution and aggregation state of QDs in tissues were also investigated in cryosections of the organs by fluorescence microscopy. We have demonstrated that the liver and kidney were the main target organs for QDs. Our systematic investigation clearly shows that most of the QDs were metabolized in the liver and excreted via faeces and urine in vivo. A fraction of free QDs, maintaining their original form, could be filtered by glomerular capillaries and excreted via urine as small molecules within 5 days.
机译:最近,源自微量元素如镉和硒的量子点引起了生物学和医学上的广泛兴趣。它们被迅速用作诊断和治疗目的的新型工具。在本报告中,我们评估了二氧化硅包被的硒化镉(CdSe)量子点(QDs)的分布,该模型是作为模型系统使用体内荧光法和通过电感耦合进行离体元素分析确定组织定位的模型系统,经静脉注射后注入瑞士白化病雄性小鼠等离子体发射光谱(ICP-OES)。合成了三辛基氧化膦封端的CdSe量子点,并使用氨基丙基硅烷(APS)作为二氧化硅前体,通过在二氧化硅上进行覆盖来使其水溶性。 ICP-OES用于测量镉含量,以指示在预定时间间隔收集的血液,器官和排泄样品中的QD浓度。同时,还通过荧光显微术在器官的冷冻切片中研究了QD在组织中的分布和聚集状态。我们已经证明,肝脏和肾脏是QD的主要靶器官。我们的系统研究清楚地表明,大多数量子点在肝脏中都是通过肝脏代谢的,并在体内通过粪便和尿液排出体外。一部分游离QD可以保持其原始形式,可以通过肾小球毛细血管过滤,并在5天内通过尿液以小分子的形式排出体外。



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