首页> 外文期刊>BioControl >The suitability of non-target native mangroves for the survival and development of the lantana bug Aconophora compressa, an introduced weed biological control agent

The suitability of non-target native mangroves for the survival and development of the lantana bug Aconophora compressa, an introduced weed biological control agent

机译:非目标原生红树林对引入的杂草生物防治剂马tana丹臭虫Aconophora compressa的生存和发育的适应性

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Aconophora compressa (Hemiptera: Membracidae), a biological control agent introduced against the weed Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) in Australia, has since been observed on several non-target plant species, including native mangrove Avicennia marina (Acanthaceae). In this study we evaluated the suitability of two native mangroves, A. marina and Aegiceras corniculatum (Myrsinaceae), for the survival and development of A. compressa through no-choice field cage studies. The longevity of females was significantly higher on L. camara (57.7 ± 3.8 days) than on A. marina (43.3 ± 3.3 days) and A. corniculatum (45.7 ± 3.8 days). The proportion of females laying eggs was highest on L. camara (72%) followed by A. marina (36%) and A. corniculatum (17%). More egg batches per female were laid on L. camara than on A. marina and A. corniculatum. Though more nymphs per shoot emerged on L. camara (29.9 ± 2.8) than on A. marina (13 ± 4.8) and A. corniculatum (10 ± 5.3), the number of nymphs that developed through to adults was not significantly different. The duration of nymphal development was longer on A. marina (67 ± 5.8 days) than on L. camara (48 ± 4 days) and A. corniculatum (43 ± 4.6 days). The results, which are in contrast to those from previous glasshouse and quarantine trials, provide evidence that A. compressa adults can survive, lay eggs and complete nymphal development on the two non-target native mangroves in the field under no-choice condition.
机译:自从在澳大利亚引入了针对杂草马樱丹(Verbenaceae)的一种生物防治剂后无子Aconophora compressa(Hemiptera:Membbracidae),此后已在几种非目标植物物种中观察到,包括天然红树林Avicennia marina(Acanthaceae)。在这项研究中,我们通过无选择的田间笼养研究评估了两种本土红树林A. marina和Aegiceras corniculatum(Myrsinaceae)对A. compressa存活和发育的适应性。女性长寿在Camara L. camara(57.7±3.8天)上显着高于A. marina(43.3±3.3天)和A. corniculatum(45.7±3.8天)。产蛋的雌性比例最高的是Camara L.(72%),其次是A. marina(36%)和A. corniculatum(17%)。每头雌性在卡马拉乳杆菌上产卵的数量要比滨海曲霉和山茱。产卵多。尽管每头芽上的若虫(29.9±2.8)比滨海曲霉(13±4.8)和山茱。(10±5.3)多,但发育到成虫的若虫数量没有显着差异。若虫海滨(67±5.8天)的花期发育持续时间长于卡马拉乳杆菌(48±4天)和山茱ic(43±4.6天)。该结果与之前的温室和检疫试验的结果相反,提供了证据:在非选择条件下,压缩曲霉成虫可以在田间的两种非目标天然红树林中存活,产卵并完成若虫发育。



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