首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Predicting the mating system from phenotypic correlations between life-history and sperm quality traits in the Alpine whitefish Coregonus zugensis

Predicting the mating system from phenotypic correlations between life-history and sperm quality traits in the Alpine whitefish Coregonus zugensis


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The mating behavior and reproductive strategies of Alpine whitefish like Coregonus zugensis (Nüsslin) are poorly understood, probably because they spawn in deep water where direct observations are difficult. In this study, we interpret life-history and sperm quality traits of fish that we caught from their spawning place. We found that males invest heavily into gonadal tissue (up to 5.6% of their body weight), which is, in comparison to other fish, consistent with external fertilization, distinct pairing and moderate to high communal spawning, or no pairing and low to moderate communal spawning. Sperm competition theory and recent experimental studies on other salmonids predict that males optimize ejaculate characteristics in relation to the costs of sperm and the level of competition they have to expect: dominant males are predicted to invest less into ejaculate quality and to have slower spermatozoa than subdominant males. We found that spermatozoa of older males are slower than those of younger males. Moreover, older males have larger breeding tubercles, a secondary sexual trait that has, in some previous studies, been found to be linked to good condition and to good genetic quality. Our results suggest that C. zugensis has age-linked reproductive strategies, that multimale spawning is common, i.e., that sperm competition plays a significant role, and that older males are on average dominant over younger males at the spawning place.
机译:人们对高山白鲑(如Coregonus zugensis(Nsslin))的交配行为和繁殖策略知之甚少,可能是因为它们产于难以直接观察的深水中。在这项研究中,我们解释了从产卵处捕获的鱼类的生活史和精子质量特征。我们发现,雄鱼在性腺组织上投入大量资金(最多占其体重的5.6%),与其他鱼类相比,这与外部受精,成对配对和中到高的公共产卵是一致的,或者没有成对且从低到中公用产卵。精子竞争理论和最近对其他鲑鱼的实验研究预测,男性相对于精子成本和所期望的竞争水平,可以优化射精特征:预计雄性雄性对射精质量的投入较少,并且精子慢于次级雄性男性。我们发现,老年男性的精子慢于年轻男性的精子。此外,年长的男性具有较大的繁殖结节,在先前的一些研究中,发现其次要的性状与良好的状况和良好的遗传质量有关。我们的研究结果表明,祖母梭子蟹具有与年龄相关的繁殖策略,多雄性产卵很普遍,即精子竞争起着重要作用,并且在产卵处雄性雄性比年轻雄性平均占优势。



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