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Colony fission affects kinship in a social insect


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Establishment of new groups is an important step in the life history of a social species. Fissioning is a common mode not only in group proliferation, for instance, as a regular part of the life cycle in the honey bee, but also when multiple females reproduce in the same group, as in multiple-queen ant societies. We studied the genetic consequences of fissioning in the ant Proformica longiseta, based on DNA microsatellites. In P. longiseta, new nests arise by fissioning from the old ones when they grow large, and the daughter nests consist of workers and queens or queen pupae but never both. Our results show that fissioning is not entirely random with respect to kinship. Workers tend to segregate along kin lines, but only when the initial relatedness in the parental nests is low. Workers in a daughter nest also tend to be associated with closely related adult queens, whereas such an association is not detected between workers and queen pupae. Most queens and workers are carried to the daughter nest by a specialized group of transporting workers, suggesting active kin discrimination by them. Fissioning pattern in P. longiseta is different from that found in other social insects with regular fission (e.g., the honey bee, swarm-founding wasps), where no fissioning along kin lines has been found. It does, however, resemble fissioning in another group of social animals: primates.
机译:建立新的群体是社会物种生活史上的重要一步。分裂是一种常见的模式,不仅在群体扩散中(例如,作为蜜蜂生命周期的一部分),而且在多个雌性在同一群体中繁殖时(例如在多蚁群社会中)也是一种常见模式。我们研究了基于DNA微卫星的长形蚁(Proformica longiseta)裂变的遗传后果。在P. longiseta中,新巢随着年龄的增长而从旧巢裂变而形成,而子巢则由工人和女王或女王queen组成,但从来没有。我们的结果表明,就亲属关系而言,裂变并不是完全随机的。工人倾向于沿着亲属隔离,但前提是父母亲巢中的初始亲缘关系很低。女儿巢中的工人也倾向于与密切相关的成年女王联系在一起,而在工人和queen之间则没有发现这种联系。大多数皇后和工人是由一个专门的运输工人小组带到女儿巢的,这表明他们有积极的亲属歧视。长寿疫霉的裂变方式与其他有规律裂变的社会昆虫(例如,蜜蜂,成群的黄蜂)的裂变方式不同,在这种昆虫中,未发现沿亲缘关系的裂变。但是,它确实类似于另一类社交动物的裂变:灵长类动物。



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