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Song amplitude and body size in birds


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Bird song is a sexually selected multidimensional signal. A fundamental question regarding the evolution of sexually selected signals is what information they convey and how their honesty is maintained. Song amplitude is a performance-related signal trait that varies considerably between individuals, but this signal dimension has been neglected in past studies. I found that median song amplitude in male nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) and zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) did not vary significantly with body size or residual body mass. In contrast, I found a significant negative correlation between body size (and also residual mass) and the maximum song amplitude during interactive singing in nightingales. However, the function of these more subtle differences in song amplitude remains to be investigated. By and large, the results of this study suggest that mean song amplitude is unlikely to indicate a bird’s body size or current condition (measured as residual mass).
机译:鸟歌是有性选择的多维信号。有关性选择信号演变的一个基本问题是它们传达的信息是什么以及如何保持其诚实。歌曲振幅是与性能相关的信号特征,在个体之间存在很大差异,但是在过去的研究中,该信号维度一直被忽略。我发现雄性夜莺(Luscinia megarhynchos)和斑马雀(Taeniopygia guttata)的中值歌曲振幅不会随体型或残余体重而显着变化。相比之下,我发现夜莺互动唱歌时,身体大小(以及剩余质量)与最大歌曲振幅之间存在显着的负相关。然而,歌曲振幅中这些更细微的差异的功能仍有待研究。总体而言,这项研究的结果表明,平均歌曲振幅不太可能表明鸟类的体型或当前状况(以残留质量衡量)。



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