首页> 外文期刊>Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology >Reproductive tactics and mating contexts affect sperm traits in horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus)

Reproductive tactics and mating contexts affect sperm traits in horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus)


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In systems with male alternative reproductive tactics, discrete behavioral patterns often lead to unequal levels of sperm competition across tactics. In many of these systems, the disadvantaged tactic shows adaptations to sperm traits that increase the competitive ability of its sperm. However, many studies have found that not all sperm traits differ across tactics, and in some systems no sperm trait adaptations are found. Why some systems and some sperm traits display tactic-specific differences and others do not is not always clear. Here, we investigate three sperm traits—ejaculate size, sperm concentration, and sperm velocity—in the American horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, a system where males have condition-dependent reproductive tactics and females influence the amount of sperm competition males face during spawning. Contrary to our predictions that the disadvantaged tactic would show sperm trait adaptations, we found that horseshoe crabs of the tactic that faces the least amount of sperm competition had more concentrated sperm than the males of the other tactics. We propose a number of hypotheses to explain this result and suggest that future studies of alternative reproductive tactics might benefit from considering the role of females in influencing tactic-specific sperm trait adaptations.
机译:在采用男性替代生殖策略的系统中,离散的行为模式通常会导致不同策略的精子竞争水平不平等。在许多这样的系统中,不利的策略显示出对精子性状的适应性增加了其精子的竞争能力。但是,许多研究发现,并非所有的精子性状都因战术而异,并且在某些系统中未发现对精子性状的适应。为什么某些系统和某些精子特征显示出特定于战术的差异,而其他系统却不总是如此则并不总是很清楚。在这里,我们研究了美国horse的Li属phe麻(Limulus polyphemus)的三个精子特征-射精大小,精子浓度和精子速度,该系统中雄性有条件依赖性的繁殖策略,雌性影响产卵过程中雄性面对的精子竞争量。与我们的劣势策略会显示出精子特质适应的预测相反,我们发现,面对最少精子竞争量的该策略的horse蟹比其他策略的雄性更集中精子。我们提出了许多假设来解释这一结果,并提出未来替代性生殖策略的研究可能会受益于考虑女性在影响特定于策略的精子性状适应中的作用。



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