首页> 外文期刊>Automation in construction >Automatic detection of hardhats worn by construction personnel: A deep learning approach and benchmark dataset

Automatic detection of hardhats worn by construction personnel: A deep learning approach and benchmark dataset


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Hardhats play an essential role in protecting construction individuals from accidents. However, wearing hardhats is not strictly enforced among workers due to all kinds of reasons. To enhance construction sites safety, the majority of existing works monitor the presence and proper use of hardhats through multi-stage data processing, which come with limitations on adaption and generalizability. In this paper, a one-stage system based on convolutional neural network is proposed to automatically monitor whether construction personnel are wearing hardhats and identify the corresponding colors. To facilitate the study, this work constructs a new and publicly available hardhat wearing detection benchmark dataset, which consists of 3174 images covering various on-site conditions. Then, features from different layers with different scales are fused discriminately by the proposed reverse progressive attention to generate a new feature pyramid, which will be fed into the Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD) to predict the final detection results. The proposed system is trained by an end-to-end scheme. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed system is effective under all kinds of on-site conditions, which can achieve 83.89% mAP (mean average precision) with the input size 512 x 512.
机译:安全帽在保护施工人员免受意外伤害方面起着至关重要的作用。但是,由于种种原因,没有严格要求工人戴安全帽。为了提高建筑工地的安全性,大多数现有工程通过多阶段数据处理来监视安全帽的存在和正确使用,这对适应性和通用性具有局限性。本文提出了一种基于卷积神经网络的一级系统,用于自动监控施工人员是否戴安全帽并识别相应的颜色。为了促进研究,这项工作构建了一个新的且公开可用的安全帽佩戴检测基准数据集,该数据集包含3174张涵盖各种现场条件的图像。然后,通过提议的反向渐进式注意力将来自不同层的不同尺度的特征区分开来融合,以生成一个新的特征金字塔,该金字塔将被输入到Single Shot Multibox Detector(SSD)中以预测最终的检测结果。所提出的系统通过端到端方案进行培训。实验结果表明,该系统在各种现场条件下均有效,输入大小为512 x 512时,可以达到83.89%的mAP(平均平均精度)。



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