首页> 外文期刊>第四紀研究 >Human Impact on the Formation of the Buried Forests of Thujopsis dolabrata var. Hondai in the Northeastern Part of Shimokita Peninsula, Northeastern Japan

Human Impact on the Formation of the Buried Forests of Thujopsis dolabrata var. Hondai in the Northeastern Part of Shimokita Peninsula, Northeastern Japan

机译:人类对金钟柏(Thujopsis dolabrata var)掩埋森林形成的影响。日本东北下北半岛东北部的本田

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Buried forests of Thujopsis dolabrata var. Hondai are found in the northeastern part of Shimokita Peninsula. Based on ~14C dates and age of B-Tm ash (ca 1,000 yrs BP), the buried humus (paleosols), which is intercalated in sand dunes, was formed at five different times: about 5,3000 yrs BP, 2,700 yrs BP, 1,000-900 yrs BP, 600-500yrs BP, and 200yrs BP. If the buried humus developed on the stabilized sand dunes in the study area, the sand dunes would have formed after 5,000 yrs BP, after 2,500yrs BP, after 1,000yrs BP, after 600yrs BP, and After 200yrs BP.
机译:Thujopsis dolabrata var的掩埋的森林。本田发现于下北半岛的东北部。根据B-Tm灰的大约14C日期和年龄(大约1000年BP),在五个不同的时间形成了埋在腐殖土中的腐殖质(古土壤):大约53000年BP,2700年BP ,1,000-900年BP,600-500年BP和200年BP。如果埋入腐殖质在研究区域的稳定沙丘上生长,则沙丘将在5,000年BP,2500年BP之后,1000年BP之后,600年BP之后和200年BP之后形成。



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