首页> 外文期刊>The Astrophysical journal >Interferometric Co Observations Of Submtllimeter-faint, Radio-selected Starburst Galaxies At Z~2

Interferometric Co Observations Of Submtllimeter-faint, Radio-selected Starburst Galaxies At Z~2


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High-redshift, dust-obscured galaxies, selected to be luminous in the radio but relatively faint at 850 μm, appear to represent a different population from the ultraluminous submillimeter-bright population. They may be star-forming galaxies with hotter dust temperatures, or they may have lower far-infrared luminosities and larger contributions from obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Here we present observations of three z~2 examples of this population, which we term "submillimeter-faint radio galaxies" (SFRGs; RG J163655, RG J131236, and RG J123711) in CO(3-2) using the IRAM Plateau de Bure Interferometer to study their gas and dynamical properties. We estimate the molecular gas mass in each of the three SFRGs (8.3×10~9, <5.6×10~9, and 15.4×10~9 M_☉, respectively) and, in the case of RG J163655, a dynamical mass by measurement of the width of the CO(3-2) line (8×10~(10) csc~2i M_☉). While these gas masses are substantial, on average they are 4 times lower than submillimeter-selected galaxies (SMGs). Radio-inferred star formation rates ( = 970 M_☉ yr~(-1)) suggest much higher star formation efficiencies than are found for SMGs and shorter gas depletion timescales (~ 11 Myr), much shorter than the time required to form their current stellar masses (~160 Myr; ~10~(11) M_☉). By contrast, star formation rates (SFRs) may be overestimated by factors of a few, bringing the efficiencies in line with those typically measured for other ultraluminous star-forming galaxies and suggesting that SFRGs are more like ultraviolet-selected (UV-selected) star-forming galaxies with enhanced radio emission. A tentative detection of RG J163655 at 350 μm suggests hotter dust temperatures, and thus gas-to-dust mass fractions, similar to the SMGs.
机译:高红移,尘埃模糊的星系在无线电中被选择为发光的,但在850μm处相对较弱,似乎代表了与超发光的亚毫米明亮的种群不同的种群。它们可能是尘埃温度更高的恒星形成星系,或者它们的远红外光度较低,而活跃的银河核(AGN)被遮盖的贡献更大。在这里,我们介绍了使用IRAM高原de Bure在CO(3-2)中观测到的该种群的三个z〜2个例子,我们将它们称为“亚毫米微弱射电星系”(SFRG; RG J163655,RG J131236和RG J123711)。干涉仪研究其气体和动力学性质。我们估算了三个SFRG(分别为8.3×10〜9,<5.6×10〜9和15.4×10〜9M_☉)中每个分子的气体质量,对于RG J163655,其动态质量为测量CO(3-2)线的宽度(8×10〜(10)csc〜2iM_☉)。尽管这些气体质量很大,但平均而言它们比亚毫米级选择星系(SMG)低4倍。无线电推导的恒星形成率( = 970 M_yr yr〜(-1))表明,恒星形成效率比SMG高得多,气体耗竭时间尺度更短(〜11 Myr),比恒星形成气短得多。形成当前恒星质量所需的时间(〜160 Myr;〜10〜(11)M_☉)。相比之下,恒星形成率(SFR)可能会被一些因素高估,从而使效率与其他超发光星系星系通常测量的效率相符,这表明SFRG更像是紫外线选择(UV选择)的恒星辐射发射增强的星系。对RG J163655的350μm暂定检测表明,粉尘温度较高,因此气体与粉尘的质量分数类似于SMG。



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