首页> 外文期刊>Astrobiology >Discovery of a New Chert-Permineralized Microbiota in the Proterozoic Buxa Formation of the Ranjit Window, Sikkim, Northeast India, and Its Astrobiological Implications

Discovery of a New Chert-Permineralized Microbiota in the Proterozoic Buxa Formation of the Ranjit Window, Sikkim, Northeast India, and Its Astrobiological Implications


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For the foreseeable future, the search for evidence of past life in rocks acquired from other planets will be constrained by the amount of sample available and by the fidelity of preservation of any fossils present. What amount of rock is needed to establish the existence of past life? To address this question, we studied a minute amount of rock collected from cherty dolomites of the Proterozoic Buxa Formation in the metamorphically altered tectonically active northeastern Himalaya. In particular, we investigated 2 small petrographic thin sections-one from each of 2 bedded chert horizons exposed in the Ranjit River stratigraphic section northwest of Rishi, Sikkim, India-that together comprise an area of ~5 cm~2 (about the size of a US postage stamp) and have a total rock weight of ~0.1 g. Optical microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy and imagery demonstrate that each of the thin sections contains a rich assemblage of 3-dimensionally permin-eralized organic-walled microfossils. This study, the first report of Proterozoic microfossils in units of the Ranjit tectonic window, demonstrates that firm evidence of early life can be adduced from even a minuscule amount of fossil-bearing ancient rock.
机译:在可预见的将来,从其他行星获取的岩石中寻找过去生命的证据将受到可用样本数量和保存任何化石保真度的限制。建立前世的存在需要多少岩石?为了解决这个问题,我们研究了从喜马拉雅山东北部变质构造活动的元古代Buxa地层的钙质白云岩中收集的微量岩石。特别是,我们调查了2个小的岩石学薄层断面-来自印度锡金市Rishi西北的Ranjit河地层断面中暴露的2个层状each石层位中的每一个,总面积约〜5 cm〜2(约一张美国邮票),且岩石总重量约为0.1克。光学显微镜,共聚焦激光扫描显微镜以及拉曼光谱和图像表明,每个薄切片都包含3维蠕动渗碳有机壁微化石的丰富集合。这项研究是第一个以Ranjit构造窗口为单位的元古代微化石的报告,表明即使是极少量的含化石的古老岩石也可以提供早期生命的确凿证据。



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