首页> 外文期刊>Allgemeines statistisches archiv >David Lemmon And Joseph Schafer: Developing Statistical Software In Fortran 95: Springer, Berlin, 2005,328 Pages, Eur 44,95

David Lemmon And Joseph Schafer: Developing Statistical Software In Fortran 95: Springer, Berlin, 2005,328 Pages, Eur 44,95

机译:David Lemmon和Joseph Schafer:在Fortran 95中开发统计软件:Springer,柏林,2005年,第328页,Eur 44,95

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Fortran - what an antiquated affair! Who still programs today in Fortran? These are perhaps the initial reactions to the present book. The authors also expect this; accordingly they provide in the first chapter reasons why Fortran is even today still the computer language of their choice: Fortran is still unrivalled with respect to computing speed. Moreover, ready-to-run routines abound. Lastly, the new standard (Fortran 90/95) offers far-reaching comfort, making programming in Fortran not such a great imposition.
机译:Fortran-多么陈旧!今天谁还在用Fortran编程?这些也许是对本书的初步反应。作者也期望如此。因此,它们在第一章中提供了为什么Fortran仍是今天仍是他们选择的计算机语言的原因:就计算速度而言,Fortran仍然是无与伦比的。此外,准备运行的例程比比皆是。最后,新标准(Fortran 90/95)提供了深远的舒适性,因此在Fortran中进行编程并不是一个很好的方法。



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