首页> 外文期刊>Aslib Proceedings >The Ethics of Information

The Ethics of Information


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Luciano Floridi is well-known as the leading extant philosopher with a strong interest in information, and his latest book extends his contributions into the area of information ethics (hereafter, as in the book, IE). IE became recognised as a concept in the 1980s, through pioneering writings such as Koenig et al. (1981), as Floridi notes. However, a main theme of this book is that such treatments, and those which stemmed from them, lacked a full philosophical underpinning. This, he seeks to remedy: "Today, philosophy faces the challenge of providing a foundational treatment of the phenomena and the ideas underlying the information revolution, in order to foster our understanding and guide both the responsible construction of our society and the sustainable management of our natural and synthetic environments, In short, we need a Philosophy of Information. [This] investigates the conceptual nature and basic principles of information, including its ethical consequences" (p. (ⅹⅱ)).
机译:卢西亚诺·弗洛里迪(Luciano Floridi)是著名的现存哲学家,对信息有着浓厚的兴趣,他的最新著作将他的贡献扩展到了信息伦理学领域(以下简称IE)。 IE在1980年代通过Koenig等人的开创性著作而成为公认的概念。 (1981),正如Floridi所指出的。但是,本书的主题是此类治疗以及源自这些治疗的治疗缺乏完整的哲学基础。他寻求补救:“今天,哲学面临着对信息革命背后的现象和思想提供基础处理的挑战,以增进我们的理解并指导我们的社会负责任的建设和可持续发展的管理。简而言之,我们需要信息哲学。[本文]研究了信息的概念性质和基本原理,包括其伦理后果”(第(ⅹⅱ)页)。



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