首页> 外文期刊>Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences >RETRACTED ARTICLE: Validation of mean and turbulent parameters measured from the aircraft in the marine atmospheric boundary layer

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Validation of mean and turbulent parameters measured from the aircraft in the marine atmospheric boundary layer


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The SEMAPHORE (Structure des Echanges Mer-Atmosphère, Propriétés Océaniques/ Recherche Expérimentale) experiment, which took place between 04 Oct. and 17 Nov. 1993, was conducted over the oceanic Azores current located in the Azores basin. The SST (Sea Surface Temperature) field was characterized in the SEMAPHORE area (31°–38°N; 21°–28°W) by a large meander with a SST gradient of about 1°C per 100 km. In order to study the evolution of the MABL (Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer) over the ocean, the mean and the turbulent data were evaluated by the measurement with two aircraft and a ship in different meteorological conditions. Three cases of low pressure and three cases of high pressure are mainly presented here. For the six cases, the satellite images (NOAA) did not show any relation between the SST field and the cloud cover. At each flight level, the decrease of the SST with the altitude due to the divergence of the infrared radiation flux from the ocean is 0.25°C per 100 m. For the comparison between the two aircraft, the mean thermodynamic and dynamic parameters show a good agreement except for the temperature. The dispersion of the sensible heat flux is larger than that of the latent heat flux due to the weak sensible heat flux over the ocean both in the intercomparison between two aircraft and in the comparison between the aircraft and the ship.
机译:1993年10月4日至11月17日之间进行的SEMAPHORE(海洋大气交换结构,PropriétésOcéaniques/ RechercheExpérimentale)实验是在位于亚速尔群岛海流的亚速尔群岛洋流上进行的。在SEMAPHORE区域(31°–38°N; 21°–28°W)中,SST(海表温度)场的特征是大曲折,每100 km的SST梯度约为1°C。为了研究MABL(海洋大气边界层)在海洋上的演变,通过使用两架飞机和一艘船在不同气象条件下进行测量,评估了平均值和湍流数据。这里主要介绍低压的三种情况和高压的三种情况。对于这六种情况,卫星图像(NOAA)没有显示SST场与云层之间的任何关系。在每个飞行高度,由于来自海洋的红外辐射通量的发散,SST随高度的降低是每100 m 0.25°C。为了比较两架飞机,除温度外,平均热力学和动力学参数显示出良好的一致性。由于在两架飞机之间的比较以及飞机与船舶之间的比较中,海洋上的显热通量较弱,因此显热通量的散布大于潜热通量的散布。



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