首页> 外文期刊>Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology >Color Trails Test: Normative Data and Criterion Validity for the Greek Adult Population

Color Trails Test: Normative Data and Criterion Validity for the Greek Adult Population


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The Color Trails Test (CTT) was developed as a culturally fair analog of the Trail Making Test. In the present study, normative data for the CTT were developed for the Greek adult population and further the criterion validity of the CTT was examined in two clinical groups (29 Parkinson's disease [PD] and 25 acute stroke patients). The instrument was applied to 163 healthy participants, aged 19–75. Stepwise linear regression analyses revealed a significant influence of age and education level on completion time in both parts of the CTT (increased age and decreased educational level contributed to slower completion times for both parts), whereas gender did not influence time to completion of part B. Further, the CTT appears to discriminate adequately between the performance of PD and acute stroke patients and matched healthy controls.
机译:Color Trails Test(CTT)是作为Trail Making Test的文化公平模拟而开发的。在本研究中,针对希腊成年人群开发了CTT的规范性数据,并在两个临床组(29例帕金森氏病[PD]和25例急性中风患者)中检查了CTT的标准有效性。该仪器适用于163名年龄在19-75岁之间的健康参与者。逐步线性回归分析显示,在CTT的两个部分中,年龄和受教育程度对完成时间都有重大影响(年龄的增加和受教育程度的降低导致两个部分的完成时间变慢),而性别则不影响B部分的完成时间此外,CTT似乎可以充分区分PD和急性中风患者的表现以及相匹配的健康对照。



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