首页> 外文期刊>建築研究所年報 >緑のカーテンによる生活環境改善手法に関する研究



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This study aims to clear the cooling effect of "green curtain" in the apartment building by experiments and questionnaire survey which was conducted at the apartment building owned by Urban Renaissance Agency. The first experiment was measured the indoor thermal environment of several dwelling units with different conditions of curtains. We could get the result that green curtain had effect to improve the thermal living environment according to the volume of leaves area, and the green curtain had more effectiveness than reed screens. From this result, we estimated the effectiveness of saving electricity by green curtains. And also at the sensitive temperature it was cleared that green curtain have more effectiveness than other conditions when sliding doors and windows were opened. The second experiment was conducted against the participants who stated feeling temperature in the rooms which setting up green curtain or not, on the assumption that green curtain influence the psychological reaction of indoor feeling temperature. When sensible temperature: SET~* of rooms are equal,the stated temperature of participants in room which setting up green curtain was low than the stated temperature in the room of no green curtain. We could recognize that green curtain influenced the psychological reaction of participants. And also, from a questionnaire survey which was conducted against residents in the apartment building, it was cleared that the higher age participants had opened the sliding doors and windows than the lower age participants when installing green curtain. It is very important that there are different behaviors of participants according to ages when installing green curtain on the thinxing of popularizing green curtain.%緑のカーテンは、アサガオやゴーャなどの蔓性の植物をネットに這わせて建物の窓•ベランダ•壁面などを緑で覆うものを指し、緑のカーテンによる日射遮蔽によって夏季における建物屋内の温熱環境改善効果が期待されている。特に、緣のカーテンが繁茂する盛夏期は、冷房の使用によって我が国の電気消費量がピークとなる時期に重なることから、節電対策の一つとして、またヒートアイランド現象の緩和策としても注目されている。



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