首页> 外文期刊>Architectural record >Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner creates a glimmering, dynamic, and energy-efficient landscape glass and steel at NORDDEUTSCHE LANDESBANK

Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner creates a glimmering, dynamic, and energy-efficient landscape glass and steel at NORDDEUTSCHE LANDESBANK

机译:Behnisch,Behnisch及其合作伙伴在NORDDEUTSCHE LANDESBANK创建了一种闪烁,动态且节能的景观玻璃和钢

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Without the glazing, which takes on the blue cast of the sky, it would be tempting to view the Norddeutsche Landesbank in Hannover, Germany, as a modern-day Emerald City. This new bank complex by Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner is a self-contained mini-metropolis, rising like a sculpture of glass-and-steel boxes, piled with nonchalant elegance one atop the other, some cantilevered daringly, and all culminating in a tower. Hannover is not a city with a well-established tradition of risk-taking architecture. Close to the old East German border, it lagged behind the rest of West Germany in both economics and post-World War II reconstruction. The locals have grown fond of the remaining old buildings, and years of restrictive zoning resulted in a rather low and uniform cityscape. Even the impact of cutting-edge architecture in the pavilions of Hannover's Expo 2000 [RECORD, July 2000, page 30] is not obvious.
机译:如果没有玻璃幕布,而这片蓝天映衬在蓝天下,那么将德国汉诺威的Norddeutsche Landesbank视为现代的翡翠城将是诱人的。这座由贝尼施,贝尼施与合伙人共同建造的新银行大楼是一个独立的小型大都市,像玻璃钢盒子的雕塑一样高高耸立,彼此之间散发着无拘无束的优雅气息,有些悬挑大胆,都高耸入云。 。汉诺威不是一个具有悠久的冒险建筑传统的城市。在经济和第二次世界大战后的重建中,它靠近东德老边境,落后于西德其余地区。当地人已经对剩下的旧建筑了如指掌,多年的限制性分区导致了相当低而统一的城市景观。甚至在汉诺威2000年世博会的展馆中,尖端建筑的影响[记录,2000年7月,第30页]也不明显。



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