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A leading design light of Montreal, Gilles Arpin has raised the profile of the city's landmark buildings

机译:Gilles Arpin引领蒙特利尔的设计潮流,提高了这座城市地标性建筑的形象

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Montreal lighting designer Gilles Arpin made a transfer from the world of theater to illuminating the buildings he loves in his native city. For more than two decades he worked as a head electrician, lighting director and designer, and production manager for opera, ballet, and musical performances, from Broadway-style shows to rock and roll extravaganzas. On world tours, he grew passionate about the cities to which he traveled, getting a crash course in design along the way by studying with leading lighting designers and scenographers: masters such as Nicholas Cernovitch in New York, Roberto Oswald in Argentina, Joseph Svoboda in Prague, and Michel Beaulieu in Montreal. Arpin's travels sparked a passion for canvasing the architectural particularity of each city he visited, leading him to study urbanism for two years. Now, after spending most of the 1990s experimenting with lighting equipment and championing the results to be had by upgrading civic exterior illumination, he finds himself in a leading role, changing the face of Montreal's nighttime look. He's also made friends among the city's civic administrators, who now seek his advice, and expertise to enliven the darkened facades of buildings in their charge.
机译:蒙特利尔照明设计师Gilles Arpin从剧院世界转移到照亮他故乡的建筑。在过去的二十多年中,他担任过首席电工,照明总监和设计师,以及歌剧,芭蕾舞和音乐表演的制作经理,从百老汇风格的表演到摇滚盛会。在世界巡回演出中,他对旅行的城市充满了热情,并与领先的照明设计师和场景设计师一起学习了速成课程,包括纽约的Nicholas Cernovitch,阿根廷的Roberto Oswald,Joseph Svoboda等大师。布拉格和蒙特利尔的Michel Beaulieu。 Arpin的旅行激发了他对所访问的每个城市的建筑特色的研究热情,这使他学习了两年的城市主义。现在,在花费了1990年代的大部分时间对照明设备进行试验并通过升级市民的外部照明来倡导获得的结果之后,他发现自己处于领导地位,改变了蒙特利尔夜间外观的面貌。他还与该市的市政管理人员成为了朋友,他们现在寻求他的建议和专业知识,以使他们负责的建筑物的深色外墙焕发活力。



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