
Arch Intimacy


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The work of Andy Goldsworthy allows us to see the pastoral and the agrarian as mined landscapes, according to this essay by Matthew Jelacic. Goldsworthy's work is a lens through which to assess the impact of the economy and industry of herding on the environment. Like the necupenation of Emscher's industrial artefacts, it is also a vehicle of collective memory. Andy Goldsworthy constructed his Arch no less than 22 times along an ancient route once used for transporting sheep from open grazing lands in northern Dumfries and Galloway to slaughterhouses, markets and ports in southern Lancashire. Along these historic routes, or 'droves', were built a series of holding pens, or 'folds'. Goldsworthy's Arch was usually located in proximity to existing, dilapidated or imagined archeological folds. Construction was completed in a day and photographed and deconstructed the next, ready to be moved to the subsequent site.
机译:根据马修·杰拉西奇(Matthew Jelacic)的这篇文章,安迪·戈德沃斯(Andy Goldsworthy)的工作使我们能够将牧场和耕地视为已开采的景观。 Goldsworthy的工作是一个镜头,通过它可以评估放牧经济和产业对环境的影响。像Emscher的工业制品一样,它也是集体记忆的载体。安迪·戈德沃斯(Andy Goldsworthy)沿着一条古老的路线建造了至少22次他的拱门,该路线曾经用于将绵羊从邓弗里斯北部和加洛韦的开阔放牧地运送到兰开夏郡南部的屠宰场,市场和港口。沿着这些历史路线或“草丛”,建造了一系列手握笔或“褶皱”。 Goldsworthy的拱门通常位于现有的,残破的或想象中的考古褶皱附近。一天之内就完成了施工,并拍摄了下一张照片并对其进行了解构,准备移至下一个站点。



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