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Rollercoaster construction


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"This is where amateurs have an advantage over pros. A pro knows what he can deliver, and rarely goes beyond it. An amateur has no concept of his limitations and generally goes beyond them." Architecture is not a plastic art, but the engineering of material life. Despite the classifications, architecture is a plastic problem only if you decide that the plastic is your material. But that is just a particular case of architecture. This is what we hope distinguishes our work from other surface-complex architecture. We have grown tired of the associations to Saarinen, Utzon or Gehry, but despite the formal similarities, and our appreciation of their work, those comparisons are purely based on the formal output. Formal concerns are of significance, but this association does not tell the whole story. For example, Gehry works in exactly the opposite direction to us: he produces a spatial effect that is subsequently implemented by means of construction. He is primarily concerned by consistency in the spatial effects. The result may be sometimes similar, but the process of reaching it is radically different.



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