首页> 外文期刊>Aquaculture Research >Broodstock spawning and larviculture of whiting (Merlangius merlangus L.) reared in captivity

Broodstock spawning and larviculture of whiting (Merlangius merlangus L.) reared in captivity

机译:圈养繁殖的白ting(Merlangius merlangus L.)的亲鱼产卵和幼虫养殖

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In recent years, an increasing interest in the farming of marine ‘white’ fish, such as cod, has been observed in the aquaculture industry. One species being considered for aquaculture development is whiting (Merlangius merlangus L.). With little data being available on the domestication of this species, our study aimed to characterize spawning behaviour and rhythmicity in captive broodstock and provide original data on egg incubation, embryonic development and larval rearing. The results observed through video recording showed that spawning mainly occurred at night with active courtship behaviour. Daily egg batches were collected from two separate spawning seasons, with an average fertilization success declining from 77% to 53%. Time to hatch was inversely related to the incubation temperature and occurred after 78 degree-days (9 days at 8?°C), with emerging larvae ranging in size from 3.3 to 3.46?mm total length and hatch success ranging from 48.3% to 99.9%. In comparison with a clear water environment, a green water regime during the first days of larval rearing significantly improved larval growth and survival. These results are the first to describe spawning activity, early development and larval performances in whiting and are promising for the potential future development of whiting aquaculture.
机译:近年来,在水产养殖业中,人们对养殖鳕鱼等海洋“白”鱼的兴趣日益浓厚。正在考虑用于水产养殖发展的一种物种是白垩纪(Merlangius merlangus L.)。由于缺乏有关该物种驯化的数据,我们的研究旨在表征圈养亲鱼的产卵行为和节律性,并提供有关卵孵化,胚胎发育和幼体饲养的原始数据。通过录像观察的结果表明,产卵主要发生在主动求偶行为的夜间。每天从两个不同的产卵季节采集鸡蛋,平均受精成功率从77%下降至53%。孵化时间与孵化温度成反比,发生时间为78度(在8?C下为9天),幼虫的大小范围为3.3至3.46?mm,孵化成功率为48.3%至99.9。 %。与清澈的水环境相比,在幼体饲养的头几天采用绿色水域可以显着改善幼体的生长和生存。这些结果是第一个描述白鲑产卵活动,早期发育和幼虫表现的信息,对于白垩纪水产养殖的潜在未来发展是有希望的。



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