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One Bad Decision, One Fortunate Outcome


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Like most young aviators, I felt bigger than life and always looked ahead, but one morning in Corpus Christi, I didn't take the time to see what was happening around me. I had finished a flight the night before. Eagerly awaiting the next day's event, I went home to study but instead watched TV and made some phone calls. By the time I got around to preparing for the next day's flight, it was 2300. I went to my room, studied until about 0100, and then hit the rack. My flight brief was at 0900, and I wanted to get in a workout, so I set the alarm for 0530. I woke up at 0530, got dressed, and headed for the base. I planned on taking my time at the gym, showering, and then heading to the hangar. Once I arrived at the gym, I realized had I forgotten my helmet bag back at the house. No worries, though; I decided just to cut short my workout. I started with a run but tired a little faster than usual. I should have realized it was because I only had had 4.5 hours of sleep, but I was focused on my flight.



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