首页> 外文期刊>Applied Surface Science >Sodium and hydrogen analysis of room temperature glass corrosion using low energy CsSIMS

Sodium and hydrogen analysis of room temperature glass corrosion using low energy CsSIMS


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Corrosion affects commercial float glass production and glasses used to contain high level nuclear waste. In order to prevent the corrosion it is necessary to understand the composition of the corroded glass and the corrosion mechanism taking place. SIMS depth profiling lends itself well to monitoring the compositional changes that occur during the corrosion process. However, most studies have analysed glass that has been corroded using accelerated ageing conditions. In this work a soda-lime glass has been aged at room temperature under known atmospheric humidity for increasing periods of time. The aged glass has then been depth profiled using a low energy (1 keV) Cs beam monitoring both the sodium and hydrogen signals concurrently. The depth profiles show that in the region directly below the glass surface that is severely depleted in sodium, there is an increased level of hydrogen compared to the bulk glass indicating an increase in the water content within this region. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:腐蚀会影响商业浮法玻璃的生产以及用于容纳高含量核废料的玻璃。为了防止腐蚀,有必要了解腐蚀玻璃的成分和发生腐蚀的机理。 SIMS深度剖析非常适合监视腐蚀过程中发生的成分变化。但是,大多数研究都分析了在加速老化条件下被腐蚀的玻璃。在这项工作中,钠钙玻璃已在室温下在已知的大气湿度下老化了一段时间。然后,使用低能量(1 keV)Cs光束同时监测钠和氢信号,对老化的玻璃进行深度剖析。深度曲线表明,在玻璃表面正下方的钠含量严重不足的区域中,与块状玻璃相比,氢含量增加,表明该区域中的水含量增加。 (c)2006 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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