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Influence of Strand Design, Boron Type, and Carbon Doping Method on the Transport Properties of Powder-in-Tube Strands


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The transport properties of a number of MgB2 strands have been investigated in terms of their response to strand design, starting B powder choice, and the approach to C doping used. The strands had the following various designs: 1) several chemical barriers were introduced, i.e., Fe and Nb; 2) the strands were encased in various outer sheath materials, i.e., monel, Cu + monel, monel + glidcop, and Nb + monel; 3) the filament counts were varied (1, 18, and 36); and 4) the final strand diameter was varied. In addition, for a subset of the strand designs, several B powder and C-dopant types were investigated. In particular, the following two types of amorphous B powder were used: 1) Moissan-based Tangshan boron from Tangshan Weihao Magnesium Powder Company Ltd., Tangshan, Hebei, China, and 2) SMI boron from Specialty Metals Inc., Huntington, WV, USA, which is produced in a plasma torch by the reduction-by-hydrogen of BCl3. The following two approaches to C doping were taken: 1) malic-acid treatment, in which C is introduced into the B powder precursor by the moderate temperature drying out a slurry of B mixed in with a malic acid-toluene solution (during which the malic acid decomposes, leaving C as the only solid residue) before the Mg powder is mixed in, and 2) direct C doping of the SMI-produced B by introducing a known percentage of CH4 into the plasma flame. Critical current densities Jc were measured on 1.5-m-long samples at 4.2 K in fields of up to 14 T. Of all the strands measured, the strand doped with SMI-C at a nominal 4 mol% C yielded the highest Jc values, e.g., 1.1 × 105 A/cm2 at 7 T. 4.5 × 104 at 10 T, and 2.2 × 104 A/cm2 at 12 T. The n-values are given for all strands at 5 and 10 T, and for a certain set of strands, the magnetic field dependencies of the n-values and the influence of C doping is presented. Finally, we de- onstrate that, over a wide range of B, log(Jc) linearly decreases with B with a slope -α such that the Jc (B) of any strand can be parameterized in terms of α and its zero-field intercept Jc(B = 0).
机译:已经研究了许多MgB 2 链的输运特性,它们对链设计的响应,开始选择B粉末以及使用的C掺杂方法均如此。这些股具有以下各种设计:1)引入了几种化学屏障,即铁和铌。 2)将股线包在各种外护套材料中,即蒙乃尔合金,铜+蒙乃尔合金,蒙乃尔+ glidcop和Nb +蒙乃尔合金; 3)灯丝数量有所变化(1、18和36); 4)最终的线股直径是变化的。此外,对于钢绞线设计的子集,还研究了几种B型粉末和C型掺杂剂。特别是,使用了以下两种类型的无定形B粉末:1)来自河北省唐山市唐山威豪镁粉有限公司的Moissan基唐山硼,以及2)来自西弗吉尼亚州亨廷顿的Speciality Metals Inc.的SMI硼,它是通过BCl 3 的氢还原在等离子炬中产生的。采取以下两种掺杂C的方法:1)苹果酸处理,其中C通过适度干燥将与苹果酸-甲苯溶液混合的B浆液引入B粉末前体中(在此过程中,苹果酸分解,在混合Mg粉末之前留下C作为唯一的固体残留物; 2)通过将已知百分比的CH 4 引入血浆中,直接C掺杂SMI生产的B。火焰。在长达14 T的磁场中,在4.2 K下对1.5米长的样品进行了临界电流密度J c 的测量。在所有测得的绞线中,掺有SMI-C的绞线标称值为4 mol %C在7 T时产生最高的J c 值,例如1.1×10 5 A / cm 2 。4.5×10 在10 T时为4 ,在12 T时为2.2×10 4 A / cm 2 。在5和10 T时所有链的n值均已给出,对于一组特定的钢绞线,给出了n值的磁场依赖性以及C掺杂的影响。最后,我们证明,在很大的B范围内,log(J c )随B的斜率-α线性减小,使得J c (B可以根据α及其零场截距J c (B = 0)来参数化任何链的)。



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