首页> 外文期刊>Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy >Modelling Spatial Variation in the Determinants of Neighbourhood Family Migration in England with Geographically Weighted Regression

Modelling Spatial Variation in the Determinants of Neighbourhood Family Migration in England with Geographically Weighted Regression


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There have been many studies which have modelled internal migration in the UK. However, most of these have used data at geographical scales that conceal the majority of migration flows between neighbourhoods. They have also tended to use Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression or spatial interaction models. The latter are computationally unfeasible for migration flows between a large number of neighbourhoods. This paper uses a spatial modelling technique called Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) to model family out-migration from neighbourhoods in England. GWR can take account of the spatial variation in the relationship between migration and its associated factors which are not accounted for using OLS. The variables included in the model are derived from theory and empirical research and include housing, socioeconomic, and environmental factors. The results show that the proportion of private renting, terraced housing, worklessness and non-domestic building land space in a neighbourhood each affect out-migration at varying levels across the country. For example, the effect of worklessness on out-migration is much stronger in neighbourhoods in the South East than the North of England. Therefore, all other things held constant, a successful intervention to reduce worklessness, initiated to discourage out-migration, would have a greater effect on out-migration in neighbourhoods in the South East compared with neighbourhoods in the North.
机译:在英国,有许多研究模拟了内部移民。但是,其中大多数都使用了地理规模的数据,这些数据掩盖了邻里之间的大多数移民流动。他们还倾向于使用普通最小二乘(OLS)回归或空间交互模型。对于大量社区之间的迁移流,后者在计算上是不可行的。本文使用一种称为地理加权回归(GWR)的空间建模技术来模拟英格兰邻里的家庭外迁。 GWR可以考虑迁移及其相关因素之间关系的空间变化,而使用OLS不能解决这些变化。模型中包含的变量来自理论和实证研究,包括住房,社会经济和环境因素。结果表明,邻里的私人租金,梯田住房,无工作和非住宅建筑用地的比例分别影响全国各地的外迁。例如,东南部社区的失业问题对移民的影响比英格兰北部要强得多。因此,所有其他方面保持不变,成功地采取措施减少无工作量,开始阻止移民外迁,与北部地区相比,东南地区的移民对移民的影响更大。



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