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The road ahead: using the 'Sharrow' in new cycling infrastructure

机译:未来之路:在新的自行车基础设施中使用“ Sharrow”

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New road signs go through a careful process of design, trial and approval before they appear on roads. This does not guarantee that road users will know much about them, or if they do, will comply with the sign's intent. This problem is highly relevant to new cycling infrastructure, as it often employs relatively new road signage. The case study here concerns the use of the "sharrow", short for shared lane arrow, in new cycling infrastructure in Wellington, New Zealand. Naturalistic video data are used to closely examine the situated detail of social interaction between cyclists and drivers. The analysis shows some support for the effectiveness of the sharrow, but also emphasises that it cannot be considered in isolation. This will not surprise road designers, but the intricacy of coordination in the road space has to be seen to be believed. Such consideration of cycling and driving in its phenomenal detail is useful for any attempt to improve mobility on roads.
机译:新的路标在出现在道路上之前,需要经过仔细的设计,试验和批准过程。这不能保证道路使用者会非常了解他们,或者如果他们知道,他们将遵守标牌的意图。这个问题与新的自行车基础设施高度相关,因为它经常采用相对较新的道路标牌。这里的案例研究涉及在新西兰惠灵顿的新自行车基础设施中使用“ sharrow”(共享车道箭头的缩写)。自然的视频数据用于仔细检查骑车人和驾驶员之间社交互动的详细情况。分析显示了对Sharrow有效性的某些支持,但也强调不能孤立地考虑它。这不会令道路设计人员感到惊讶,但是必须相信道路空间中的协调错综复杂。这种对骑行和驾驶现象的详细考虑对于提高道路机动性的任何尝试都是有用的。



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