首页> 外文期刊>Applied economics letters >Regional heterogeneity in growth and inequality elasticities of poverty in transition countries

Regional heterogeneity in growth and inequality elasticities of poverty in transition countries


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Using data for 25 transition countries, this article provides estimates of the growth and inequality elasticities of poverty for three regions: Central Europe (CE), South-East Europe and the former Soviet Union (FSU). Regional differences in the elasticities are decomposed into the contributions of (ⅰ) differences in initial conditions (expenditure density at the poverty line and inequality) and (ⅱ) differences in sensitivity of the elasticities to these initial conditions. The elasticities are highest for CE and lowest for the FSU. Using a common poverty line, regional elasticity differences are explained predominantly by differences in the mean consumption expenditures per capita.
机译:本文使用25个转型国家的数据,提供了对三个地区(中欧(CE),东南欧和前苏联(FSU))的贫困增长和不平等弹性的估计。弹性的区域差异被分解为(ⅰ)初始条件的差异(贫困线的支出密度和不平等)和(ⅱ)弹性对这些初始条件的敏感性的贡献。 CE的弹性最高,FSU的弹性最低。使用共同的贫困线,主要通过人均平均消费支出的差异来解释区域弹性差异。



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