首页> 外文期刊>Applied Energy >Wind-solar complementarity and effective use of distribution network capacity

Wind-solar complementarity and effective use of distribution network capacity


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Exploiting the diversity between different renewable resources is regarded as a significant tool to managing their grid integration. Hybrid combinations of resources provide the potential to smooth output and so overcome limits on the export of power, but their network wide impact is not well understood. This paper examines whether combinations of renewable distributed generation can make more effective use of distribution network capacity. A multi-period, multi-resource optimal power flow approach is used to optimally configure wind and solar photovoltaic capacity to maximise energy production whilst complying with network physical limits. The effectiveness of hybrid distributed generation and the optimization method was examined through comparison with cases using single types of renewable distributed generation. This study demonstrates that by capturing the complementarity between renewables through hybrid design, the network can host more renewable generation capacity and increase total energy export. In addition, smart grid techniques, such as active network management, further boosts the value of resource diversity by allowing connection of more generation capacity of all considered renewables through isolating the infrequent co-occurrence of high outputs during periods of low electricity demand.



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