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Applicability of the SER method for quality control of clays from the German 'Westerwald'

机译:SER方法在德国“ Westerwald”的粘土质量控制中的适用性

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The SER method was developed in 1998 for the in situ quality control of Bavarian bentonites. By considering water content and temperature, the cation exchange capacity (CEC) could be calculated from specific electrical resistivity (SER) data, gathered directly in the open pit. The CEC in turn is used for the estimation of the smectite content of bentonites which to a great extent determines the raw material quality. In this study the SER method was applied to clays from the Westerwald (Germany) that are mainly used for the industrial production of ceramics. The aim of this study was to a) assess the applicability of the SER method for fast quality estimation of industrial clays other than bentonites and b) increase the knowledge about electrical conductivity mechanisms of clays. A set of 25 samples from four different pits was gathered and the specific resistivity measured simultaneously. The obtained data were set in connection with laboratory results for cation exchange capacity (CEC) measurements, quantitative chemical and mineralogical composition (XRD, Rietveld analysis) and particle size. The specific electrical resistivity of the 'Westerwald' clays is mainly determined by the CEC and the water content at a given temperature. For these clays a similar correlation function as for Bavarian bentonites was obtained. Therefore, the specific electrical resistivity of 'Westerwald' clays is strongly influenced by the presence of smectitic layers (smectite and smectitic layers in illite/ smectite mixed layer minerals) since smectitic layers significantly determine the CEC even in the presence of other clay minerals like kaolinite or illite. In conclusion, smectitic layer and the water content determine the electrical properties of the investigated clays containing only 10-20% w/w smectitic layers. The SER method is applicable for the in situ estimation of the CEC of Westerwald clays being relevant for their industrial application.
机译:SER方法于1998年开发,用于巴伐利亚膨润土的现场质量控制。通过考虑水含量和温度,可以从直接在露天矿中收集的比电阻率(SER)数据计算阳离子交换容量(CEC)。 CEC依次用于估算膨润土的蒙脱石含量,这在很大程度上决定了原材料的质量。在这项研究中,SER方法应用于来自Westerwald(德国)的粘土,这些粘土主要用于陶瓷的工业生产。这项研究的目的是:a)评估SER方法对膨润土以外的工业粘土的快速质量评估的适用性,以及b)增加关于粘土电导率机理的知识。收集了来自四个不同凹坑的一组25个样品,并同时测量了电阻率。将获得的数据与阳离子交换容量(CEC)测量,化学和矿物成分定量分析(XRD,Rietveld分析)和粒度的实验室结果结合起来设置。 “韦斯特瓦尔德”粘土的比电阻率主要由CEC和给定温度下的水含量决定。对于这些粘土,获得了与巴伐利亚膨润土相似的相关函数。因此,“威斯特瓦尔德”粘土的比电阻率受蒙皂石层(伊利石/蒙皂石混合层矿物中蒙脱石和蒙皂石层)的存在的强烈影响,因为即使在存在其他粘土矿物如高岭土的情况下,蒙脱石层也能显着确定CEC。或伊利石。综上所述,近晶层和水含量决定了仅含10-20%w / w近晶层的被研究粘土的电学性能。 SER方法适用于Westerwald粘土CEC的原位估计,这与它们的工业应用有关。



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