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The use of illitic clays in the production of stoneware tile ceramics


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Illite is one of the main clay phases used for the preparation of mixtures for traditional ceramics. The raw materials used for production of white porcelain stoneware tiles mainly consist of feldspars, quartz, and clay minerals (kaolinite, smectite and illite). In this study, eight clayey raw materials with a different content of illite up to 70 wt.%, have been considered. The crystalline phases present in different amounts are illite, smectite, kaolinite, illite-smectite mixed-layers, K-feldspar, plagioclases, quartz, and accessory phases (anatase, goethite). The clays have been chemically and physically characterized as raw and fired materials with X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, and SEM. Moreover they were added in the percentage of 35 wt.% to a mixture composed of albite, feldspar sand and quartz sand, to reproduce that commonly used for the production of porcelain stoneware tiles. We focused on the quantitative mineralogical aspects of the unfired and fired bodies and their relationship with the technological properties due to the presence of illite. Increasing illite content yields higher percentage of glass phase and lower water absorption because of the lowering of the melting point. Because of the pyroplastic deformation, linear shrinkage decreases with illite content. The presence of illite inhibits the formation of mullite and cristobalite, since silica and alumina tend to form alkaline glass. Although in clays from Hungary, transition elements are present in very low percentage, the colour of the fired bodies is darker. These clays contain goethite, which may be rapidly oxidized with temperature, and show a very low percentage of newly formed mullite which could eventually host Fe in its structure.
机译:伊利石是用于制备传统陶瓷混合物的主要粘土相之一。用于生产白色陶瓷粗陶砖的原料主要包括长石,石英和粘土矿物(高岭石,蒙脱石和伊利石)。在这项研究中,已经考虑了八种粘土质原料,其伊利石含量不同,最高可达70 wt。%。存在的结晶相的数量不同,为伊利石,蒙脱石,高岭石,伊利石-蒙脱石混合层,钾长石,斜长石,石英和辅助相(锐钛矿,针铁矿)。粘土已经通过X射线衍射,X射线荧光和SEM在化学和物理上被表征为原材料和烧成材料。此外,将它们以35重量%的百分比添加到由钠长石,长石砂和石英砂组成的混合物中,以复制通常用于生产陶瓷粗陶砖的材料。由于存在伊利石,我们着重研究了未烧制和已烧制物体的定量矿物学特征及其与技术性能的关系。由于熔点的降低,伊利石含量的增加导致玻璃相的百分含量增加和吸水率降低。由于热塑性变形,线性收缩随伊利石含量降低。伊利石的存在抑制了莫来石和方石英的形成,因为二氧化硅和氧化铝倾向于形成碱性玻璃。尽管在匈牙利的粘土中,过渡元素的含量非常低,但烧结后的物体的颜色较深。这些粘土含有针铁矿,该针铁矿可能会随着温度的升高而迅速氧化,并且显示出极低百分比的新形成的莫来石,其最终可能在其结构中包含铁。



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