首页> 外文期刊>Applied clay science >On the potential of microbeam analyses in study of the ceramics, slip and paint of Late Bronze Age White Slip Ⅱ ware: An example from the Canaanite site Tel Esur

On the potential of microbeam analyses in study of the ceramics, slip and paint of Late Bronze Age White Slip Ⅱ ware: An example from the Canaanite site Tel Esur

机译:关于微束分析在研究晚期青铜时代的白釉Ⅱ号瓷器的陶瓷,釉料和涂料中的潜力:以迦南遗址Tel Esur为例

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Microbeam Analyses using EPMA, pXRF, LA-ICP-MS and FT-IR were conducted in this study of Late Bronze Age (LBA) White Slip II ware (WS-ware) imports at the Canaanite site Tel Esur (Tel Esur WS). The WS-ware is typically decorated with black-brown geometric patterns painted over a white slip layer. The study of the WS-ware provides useful information and a multi-analytical database regarding me composition, ceramic technology, raw materials, origin and cultural issues. The results demonstrate that the LBA potters select raw materials suitable for production of ceramics, slip and paint. The ceramic-body of the WS-ware was made of raw material that has been an appropriate selection to produce a hard and thin-walled vessel. For accentuating the black decoration over the dark reddish-grey ceramic-body, the latter was covered with white slip layer. The black decoration was made of ferromanganese-based pigment, which allows black decoration through firing of the vessels at an oxidizing atmosphere. The raw materials for the production of the ceramics, slip and paint were selected from Cypriot red basaltic clay of weathered basalt province, white hydrothermal clay of altered basalt zone and umber ore, respectively. The Tel Esur White Slip II ware is proved analytically to be imported from Cyprus.
机译:这项研究是在Canaanite站点Tel Esur(Tel Esur WS)进口晚期青铜时代(LBA)白条II瓷器(WS-ware)的过程中,使用EPMA,pXRF,LA-ICP-MS和FT-IR进行的微束分析。 WS-ware通常以在白色衬纸层上绘制的黑棕色几何图案来装饰。对WS-ware的研究提供了有关我的成分,陶瓷技术,原材料,起源和文化问题的有用信息和多分析数据库。结果表明,LBA陶工选择了适合生产陶瓷,粉浆和油漆的原材料。 WS-ware的陶瓷主体是由原材料制成的,该原材料是生产坚硬且薄壁容器的合适选择。为了突出深红灰色陶瓷体上的黑色装饰,后者上覆盖了白色的防滑层。黑色装饰物是由铁锰基颜料制成的,可以通过在氧化气氛下烧制容器来进行黑色装饰。用于生产陶瓷,粉浆和涂料的原料分别选自风化玄武岩省的塞浦路斯红玄武岩粘土,改变玄武岩带的白色热液粘土和棕褐色矿石。经分析证明,Tel Esur White Slip II产品是从塞浦路斯进口的。



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