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Study of the traffic noise source intensity emission model and the frequency characteristics for a wet asphalt road


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The traffic noise source intensity emission model is the basis of traffic noise prediction. In addition, the presence of water on the road is an important factor of road traffic noise. However, to date, none of the traffic noise source intensity emission models account for a situation in which the road surface is wet. Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to build a traffic noise source intensity emission model on a wet asphalt road based on traffic noise measurements, in which speed, sound pressure level and frequency spectrum were recorded as a single vehicle passed by. By using statistical analysis on the measurement data, a traffic noise source intensity emission model on a wet asphalt road was acquired, which conforms to correlation test, F-test and f-test. The result shows that the sound pressure level increases considerably with the presence of water on asphalt road for all types of vehicles; the mean difference in the sound pressure level between the wet and dry asphalt roads for light, middle-size, and heavy vehicles are 10.09 dB(A), 5.56 dB(A), and 4.26 dB(A), respectively. In addition, the noise difference between a wet and dry asphalt road decreases as the speed and vehicle size grow. Furthermore, the frequency characteristics of the road traffic noise were analysed through the sound pressure level and noise energy percentage in the 1/3 octave band spectrum. The result shows that for the wet asphalt road, the sound pressure level is high at high frequency and low at low frequency, which is completely different from the response on a dry asphalt road. In addition, for a dry asphalt road, the vehicle's noise energy percentage at low frequency decreases as the speed increases, whereas at high frequency, the percentage increases as the speed grow. However, for a wet asphalt road, the noise energy percentage changes little with speed. The findings can be applied to the accurate traffic noise prediction and noise control, especially in the rainy regions. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:交通噪声源强度排放模型是交通噪声预测的基础。另外,道路上水的存在是道路交通噪声的重要因素。但是,迄今为止,没有一种交通噪声源强度排放模型能够解决路面潮湿的情况。因此,本文的主要目的是在湿式沥青路面上基于交通噪声测量结果建立交通噪声源强度排放模型,在该模型中,速度,声压级和频谱被记录为经过的单个车辆。通过对测量数据进行统计分析,获得了湿式沥青路面交通噪声源强度排放模型,该模型符合相关性检验,F检验和F检验。结果表明,对于各种类型的车辆,沥青路面上存在水时,声压级都会大大提高;轻型,中型和重型车辆在干湿沥青路面之间的声压级平均差分别为10.09 dB(A),5.56 dB(A)和4.26 dB(A)。此外,随着速度和车辆尺寸的增加,干湿沥青路面之间的噪声差异会减小。此外,通过1/3倍频程频谱中的声压级和噪声能量百分比,分析了道路交通噪声的频率特性。结果表明,在潮湿的沥青路面上,声压级在高频时较高,而在低频时较低,这与干燥的沥青路面上的响应完全不同。另外,对于干燥的柏油路,车辆的噪声能量百分比在低频时随速度增加而降低,而在高频时,该百分比随速度增加而增加。但是,对于潮湿的沥青路面,噪声能量百分比随速度变化很小。这些发现可用于准确的交通噪声预测和噪声控制,尤其是在多雨地区。 (C)2017 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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