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Staying Put: Crossing the Israel–Palestine Border with Gloria Anzaldúa


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Gloria Anzaldúa writes that the border is an “open wound?.?.?.?where the Third World grates against the First and bleeds. And before a scab forms it hemorrhages again, the lifeblood of two worlds merging to form a third country—a border culture.” In the case of Euro-Israel, the volatile gender–race–nation South–South coalition among subaltern Arabs is forced on Mizrahi (Oriental, Heb., Jews from non–Yiddish speaking countries) and Palestinian women with Israeli citizenship. None of them wants to be in this “third country,” emerging out of their painful dispossession of lands, languages, and cultures. Anzaldúa's border's imagistic ambiguity is not liberating but, rather, is used by the Ashkenazi (European Jewish) Zionist hegemony as yet another frontier to conquer. The ambiguity invites the projections and misreadings, which enable Palestinian and Mizrahi gendered experiences in the borderlands to be displayed in Israel's Ashkenazi-Zionist centers of power. The borderzones between transnational hyphens connote fluidity, and movement across boundaries. In this essay, I argue that the Mizrahi and Palestinian-Israeli gendered hyphens are what allow subaltern non-European women in the state of Israel to radically stay put in their respective hyphenated identities. Further, staying put is not representational but somatic, and therefore difficult to theorize beyond the bounds of the lived. Writing up the somatic is elusive. Translating this somatism from Hebrew and Arabic to English is even more elusive. The anthropologist has a daunting task of explicating unspeakable experiences that that go beyond discourse. By using multiple different genres of writing in an arabesque manner, she might attempt to capture this unspeakable that hurts straight to the bone.
机译:格洛丽亚·安扎尔杜阿(GloriaAnzaldúa)写道,边界是一个“开放伤口”。在结ab再次出血之前,两个世界的命脉融合成一个第三国-边界文化。”以欧洲以色列为例,次要阿拉伯人之间性别,种族,民族,南南联盟的动荡迫使米兹拉希(东方,希伯来人,来自非叙德语国家的犹太人)和具有以色列国籍的巴勒斯坦妇女被迫。他们谁也不想成为这个“第三国”,因为他们痛苦地剥夺了土地,语言和文化。 Anzaldúa边界的意象模糊并没有解放,而是被Ashkenazi(欧洲犹太人)的犹太复国主义霸权用作征服的又一个前沿领域。模棱两可引起了推论和误读,使巴勒斯坦和米兹拉希在边境地区的性别经历得以在以色列的阿什肯纳齐-犹太复国主义权力中心展示。跨国连字符之间的边界区域表示流动性和跨边界移动。在本文中,我认为,米兹拉希语和巴勒斯坦-以色列的性别连字符是使处于以色列状态的次要非欧洲女性能够从根本上保持其各自连字符身份的原因。此外,呆滞不是代表性的而是身体上的,因此很难理论化超越生活的界限。写出躯体是难以捉摸的。将这种社会主义从希伯来语和阿拉伯语翻译成英语更加难以捉摸。人类学家的艰巨任务是要阐明超出话语范围的无法言传的经历。通过以蔓藤花纹的方式使用多种不同的写作风格,她可能试图捕捉这种难以言表的,直接伤害到骨头的感觉。



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