首页> 外文期刊>Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences >Coalescence of Bubbles Translating through a Tube

Coalescence of Bubbles Translating through a Tube


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The results of an experimental study of the interaction and coalescence of two air bubbles translating in a cylindrical tube are presented. Both pressure- and buoyancy-driven motion of the two bubbles in a Newtonian suspending fluid within the tube are considered. The close approach of the two bubbles is examined using image analysis, and measurements of the coalescence time are reported for various bubble size ratios and capillary numbers. For pressure-driven motion of bubbles, coalescence is found to occur in an axisymmetric configuration for all bubble size ratios considered in the experiments. For buoyancy-driven motion, on the other hand, the disturbance flow behind the leading bubble causes the trailing bubble to move radially out toward the tube wall when the trailing bubble size becomes very small compared to the size of the leading bubble. In that case, coalescence occurs in a nonaxisymmet-ric configuration, with a time scale for coalescence that is substantially larger than that for coalescence in the axisymmetric configuration. When the imposed flow is in the direction of the buoyancy force, coalescence time is independent of bubble size ratio, and decreases as the capillary number increases. Experimental measurements of the radius of the thin liquid film separating the two bubbles are used in conjunction with a simple film drainage model to predict the dependence of the coalescence time on the bubble size ratio.



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