首页> 外文期刊>The Annals of Occupational Hygiene >The effect of dust-protective respirator mask and the relevance of work category on urinary 1- hydroxypyrene concentration in PAH exposed electrode paste plant workers

The effect of dust-protective respirator mask and the relevance of work category on urinary 1- hydroxypyrene concentration in PAH exposed electrode paste plant workers


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Large amounts of polycyclic-aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH)are found in the work environment of electrode paste workers. Inhalation and skin uptake are both important routes for PAH exposure. We have studied the effect of dust-protective respirator masks by measuring urinary 1- hydroxypyrene as a biomarker for PAH exposure. Eighteen workers divided into work categories at the factory were monitored by personal air sampling and urinary 1-hydroxypyrene every work shift for two consecutive weeks. In the second week of the study, the workers were encouraged to wear respirator masks persistently, which resulted in a significant reduction in urinary 1- hydroxypyrene in end-of-shift samples(paired t-test P = 0.009).
机译:在焊膏工人的工作环境中发现了大量的多环芳烃(PAH)。吸入和皮肤吸收都是暴露PAH的重要途径。我们已经通过测量尿中的1-羟基re作为PAH暴露的生物标记物,研究了防尘口罩的效果。在工厂,十八个人分为工作类别,每个工作班次都接受了个人空气采样和尿中的1-羟基py的监测,连续两个星期。在研究的第二周,鼓励工人坚持戴防毒口罩,这使班次结束时的尿中1-羟基py明显减少(配对t检验,P = 0.009)。



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