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Igshield: A New Interactive Point Kernel Gamma Ray Shielding Code


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IGSHIELD is an interactive gamma ray shielding code (stand alone) developed in Visual Basic Version 6.0 for windows operating system. The computational methodology is based on the point kernel technique employed in QADCCPIC (and hence QADCGGP) code. In IGSHIELD, all the features of QADCGPIC code written in FORTRAN and its user interface GUI2QAD-3D written in visual basic have been incorporated and several additional improvements have been made. The new improvements made in the code are (ⅰ) handling of multiple source shapes with accompanying energy distributions, (ⅱ) incorporation of hexagonal cylinder as a shield body in the combinatorial geometry routine, (ⅲ) provision to declare hexagonal cylinder and truncated right circular cone as source bodies, (ⅳ) provision to declare point, line and plane as source bodies and (ⅴ) arbitrary orientation of sources such as cylinder, hexagonal cylinder and truncated cone. The newly introduced source bodies will be of immense use for calculations involving hexagonal shaped cylindrical sub-assemblies of fast reactors and cone shaped radioactive plume release from stack. The source array option will be of use for calculations involving stacked radioactive drums in vast storage areas. The code is validated by comparing the results with (ⅰ) simple source-shield configurations that can be solved using analytical equations and MCNP code, (ⅱ) a point source in an infinite shield medium configuration that is solved using simple analytical equation and (ⅲ) a standard problem in which an irradiated fuel is surrounded by various shielding materials and the problem is solved using MCNP. Several sample problems encountered in nuclear industry and other useful information required for shield designers and analysts are the other highlights of the code. The input for any kind of situations can be prepared easily using the forms that flash with appropriate prompts. Since entry of data is the important part of the input, its validity is checked immediately and the user is cautioned against incorrect data. The input module accepts only the correct data. If the data happens to be an object, the code instantaneously display the 3D view of all the objects built so far. Thus, the Interactive Gamma Ray Shielding Code will cater the needs of a shield designer as well as serve as an excellent educational tool.
机译:IGSHIELD是在Visual Basic版本6.0中为Windows操作系统开发的交互式伽马射线屏蔽代码(独立)。计算方法基于QADCCPIC(以及QADCGGP)代码中采用的点内核技术。在IGSHIELD中,已合并了用FORTRAN编写的QADCGPIC代码的所有功能及其用Visual Basic编写的用户界面GUI2QAD-3D,并进行了其他一些改进。该规范中进行的新改进是(ⅰ)处理具有多种能量分布的多种源形状;(ⅱ)在组合几何例程中将六角形圆柱体作为屏蔽体;(ⅲ)规定声明六角形圆柱体和截断的直圆圆锥体作为源体,(ⅳ)规定将点,线和平面声明为源体,(ⅴ)诸如圆柱体,六角圆柱体和圆锥台之类的源的任意方向。新引入的源体将大量用于计算快速反应堆的六角形圆柱形子组件以及从烟囱中释放出锥形放射性烟羽的计算。源阵列选件将用于涉及在广阔存储区域中堆叠的放射性鼓的计算。通过将结果与(ⅰ)可以使用解析方程和MCNP代码求解的简单源-屏蔽配置进行比较来验证代码,(ⅱ)在无限屏蔽介质配置中的点源,可以使用简单解析方程和(ⅲ )一个标准问题,其中被辐射的燃料被各种屏蔽材料包围,并且使用MCNP解决了该问题。该规范的其他重点是在核工业中遇到的几个示例问题以及屏蔽设计人员和分析人员所需的其他有用信息。可以使用带有适当提示的闪烁形式轻松地准备用于任何情况的输入。由于数据输入是输入的重要部分,因此请立即检查其有效性,并警告用户不要输入错误的数据。输入模块仅接受正确的数据。如果数据恰好是对象,则代码会立即显示到目前为止已构建的所有对象的3D视图。因此,《交互式伽玛射线屏蔽代码》将满足屏蔽设计人员的需求,并作为一种出色的教育工具。



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