首页> 外文期刊>Annals of Biomedical Engineering >The Transport of Nanoparticles in Blood Vessels: The Effect of Vessel Permeability and Blood Rheology

The Transport of Nanoparticles in Blood Vessels: The Effect of Vessel Permeability and Blood Rheology


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The longitudinal transport of nanoparticles in blood vessels has been analyzed with blood described as a Casson fluid. Starting from the celebrated Taylor and Aris theory, an explicit expression has been derived for the effective longitudinal diffusion (D eff) depending non-linearly on the rheological parameter ξc, the ratio between the plug and the vessel radii; and on the permeability parameters UppiUppi and Upomega ,Upomega , related to the hydraulic conductivity and pressure drop across the vessel wall, respectively. An increase of ξc or UppiUppi has the effect of reducing D eff, and thus both the rheology of blood and the permeability of the vessels may constitute a physiological barrier to the intravascular delivery of nanoparticles.
机译:纳米颗粒在血管中的纵向运输已经用描述为卡森流体的血液进行了分析。从著名的泰勒(Taylor)和阿里斯(Aris)理论开始,已经根据流变参数ξ c 非线性地得出了有效纵向扩散(D eff )的明确表达式。塞子与容器半径之比;渗透率参数UppiUppi和Upomega,Upomega分别与跨壁的水力传导率和压降有关。 ξ c 或UppiUppi的增加具有降低D eff 的作用,因此血液流变学和血管通透性均可能构成对血管内的生理屏障纳米粒子的传递。



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