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Regional genetic subdivision in the Mohave ground squirrel: evidence of historic isolation and ongoing connectivity in a Mojave Desert endemic


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The Mojave Desert is characterized by a unique biodiversity and is an area of particular interest for the development of renewable energy facilities, which could impact habitat quality and population connectivity. To begin understanding current habitat connectivity in a Mojave Desert endemic, we examine population genetic characteristics of the Mohave ground squirrel, Xerospermophilus mohavensis. We use microsatellite and mitochondrial data to examine the spatial distribution of genetic variation and to infer regional demographic history and connectivity across the species' range. We also examine the demographic history of individual populations and assess the degree to which X. mohavensis may be hybridizing with its sister species, Xerospermophilus tereticaudus. We find that populations of X. mohavensis group into three regionally defined genetic clusters with admixture among the groups. Patterns of regional genetic subdivision and inferred patterns of colonization are consistent with what would be expected from the location and timing of the historic lake and river systems of the region. On a more recent timescale, most X. mohavensis populations do not appear to have experienced genetic bottlenecks, as would be expected from known population declines. Finally, we find that hybridization between X. mohavensis and X. tereticaudus is limited, and thus, not a source of introgression into the threatened species. The patterns of diversity and regional connectivity that we describe here for the Mohave ground squirrel are a first step in determining critical conservation areas for endemic Mojave Desert fauna.
机译:莫哈韦沙漠以独特的生物多样性为特征,是发展可再生能源设施特别感兴趣的领域,这可能会影响栖息地质量和人口连通性。为了开始了解莫哈韦沙漠特有种的当前栖息地连通性,我们研究了莫哈韦沙漠地松鼠Xerspermophilus mohavensis的种群遗传特征。我们使用微卫星和线粒体数据来检查遗传变异的空间分布,并推断出该物种范围内的人口统计历史和连通性。我们还检查了单个人口的人口历史,并评估了莫哈韦氏疟原虫与其姊妹物种Xerospermophilus tereticaudus杂交的程度。我们发现X. mohavensis的种群分为三个区域定义的遗传簇,各组之间相互混合。区域遗传细分的模式和推断的殖民化模式与该地区历史悠久的湖泊和河流系统的位置和时间相一致。在最近的时间尺度上,正如已知种群下降所预期的那样,大多数莫氏疟原虫种群似乎没有经历遗传瓶颈。最后,我们发现X. mohavensis和X. tereticaudus之间的杂交是有限的,因此,并不是入侵物种的渗入源。我们在此描述的莫哈韦沙漠地松鼠的多样性和区域连通性模式是确定特有莫哈韦沙漠动物群的关键保护区的第一步。



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