首页> 外文期刊>Animal behaviour >Causes and consequences of single-male and multimale mating in free-ranging patas monkeys, Erythrocebus patas

Causes and consequences of single-male and multimale mating in free-ranging patas monkeys, Erythrocebus patas

机译:自由放养的patas猴(Erythrocebus patas)中单雄和多雄交配的原因和后果

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Patas monkeys and many forest guenon species live in one-male groups throughout the year. During some conceptive seasons, extragroup males enter the troop singly or in small groups to couplate with females, although this multimale state persists only as long as the conceptive season lasts. Our goals in this study were to (1) examine how the number of males in the group affected levels of intrasexual mate competition in males and females, (2) identify the proximate factors accounting for changes form single- to multimale mating, and (3) develop a model comparing the proximate factors leading to single-and multimale mating in patas monkeys with those for forest guenons.
机译:整年里,帕塔斯(Patas)猴子和许多森林枪gue物种都生活在一个雄性群体中。在某些构想季节,成群外的男性单独或成群进入部队与雌性共舞,尽管这种多雄状态仅在构想季节持续的时间内持续存在。我们在这项研究中的目标是(1)检查该组中的男性数量如何影响男性和女性的性伴侣竞争水平;(2)确定造成单人到多人交配变化的近因,以及(3) )建立一个模型,比较导致帕塔斯猴与森林牛的单雄和多雄交配的主要因素。



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