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New Environmetric Research Center Opens in Pacific Northwest


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The Pacific Institute of Mathematical Sciences, one of three mathematical sciences institutes in Canada, awarded 200,000 Canadian dollars to a consortium of universities planning a multisite research center in environmetrics. The focus of the collaborative research group, funded for two years, is georisk and climate change. The project started with a joint workshop with 75 participants in Semiahmoo, just south of the U.S.Canadian border, on January 23—24.rnThe principal investigators of the proposal are Charmaine Dean, Simon Fraser University; Sylvia Esterby, University of British Columbia-Okanagan; Peter Guttorp, University of Washington; and Jim Zidek, University of British Columbia-Vancouver. Other participants come from the University of Victoria, Washington State University, and University of Calgary.
机译:太平洋数学科学研究所是加拿大三个数学科学研究所之一,它向计划组成一个多站点环境研究中心的大学联盟提供了20万加元的奖励。这项为期两年的合作研究小组的重点是地质风险和气候变化。该项目始于1月23日至24日,在美国加拿大边境以南的塞米亚穆(Semiahmoo)举行的联合研讨会上,有75名参与者参加。该提案的主要研究人员是西蒙·弗雷泽大学的Charmaine Dean; Sylvia Esterby,不列颠哥伦比亚大学-欧肯娜根大学;华盛顿大学的Peter Guttorp;英属哥伦比亚大学温哥华分校的Jim Zidek。其他参与者来自维多利亚大学,华盛顿州立大学和卡尔加里大学。



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